Zeus Learning Interview Experience for SDE (2023)

Hey everyone, Zeus Learning hired BE undergrads for the role of Software Developer through Pool Campus in our College.

The interview process followed is as follows:

Round 1:Online Test (3 hrs): It consisted of around 20 Aptitude questions and 8-9 Coding questions of which 5-6 were pretty easy and 2-3 were a little medium level. The whole set of coding questions contains some debugging questions as well. I would suggest practicing aptitude questions as the difficulty was medium for this and proper time management is the key to giving this test.
The coding questions were like- Finding errors, finding if the linked list has a loop, finding if 2 rectangles intersect each other or not, etc.

Advice: Give proper timing to each question as it requires a lot of time to solve and also practice basic DSA standard questions.

Note: Aptitude is very important for this. If you did well in your Aptitude then your coding skills will matter.

Round 2: Technical Interview: I entered the meeting and there was no introduction. I was directly given one coding question

  • Questions were – Given an array of N integers, check whether the array is in AP or GP. If you don’t know the concept of AP and GP, the interviewer will explain surely…..so no need to worry about that.
  • Then the interviewer asked me questions related to my project and tech stack which I know about. Not detailed questions but just to understand a bit about your knowledge related to development.
  • Then he asked a question about OOPS
  • Explain polymorphism and abstraction with the help of a code example.
  • What is a virtual function?
  • Then he also asked some basic questions from CSS which I failed to give the right answers to some questions.0
  • Then the next week, the result came and I was selected.

Tips: Be confident with your coding skills and basic aptitude.

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