YetAnotherSMSBomber – SMS Bomber in kali linux

YetAnotherSMSBomber is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. This tool doesn’t take your phone number, you only have to enter the target phone number and the tool will do the rest of the work. You must ensure that you always install the latest version of YetAnotherSMSBomber from GitHub in order to not get stuck with the working of the tool. This tool is used to perform call and SMS bombing on the target phone number. This tool is written in python, so you must have python installed in your kali Linux operating system. This tool works with open-source intelligence APIs that’s why this tool requires an internet connection to perform bombing. 


Step 1: Open your kali Linux operating system and use the following command to install the tool from GitHub and then move to the tool directory using the second command.

git clone

cd YetAnotherSMSBomber

Step 2: Now you have to download some dependencies of the tool using the following command.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: The tool has been downloaded and now the tool using the following command.

python3 -h


Example : 

You can see that the tool has been downloaded successfully. Now let’s see an example of using the tool by running the following command to perform SMS bombing on a number.

python3 <phone number>

The tool has started sending SMS and some of them get success whereas some of them failed, but you can try again and again to have the best results. The SMS failed due to a poor internet connection. If your internet is good, then no SMS of yours will fail.

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