Yatra Interview Experience for iOS developer (5 Yrs Exp.)

I have applied through LinkedIn for a post from Yatra requiring an experienced iOS developer. Applied and got the interview invite.

Details of the rounds are below.

1st Round: (Technical round/Discussion)

1. Difference in class and struct, where they created and stored

2. If the is struct has class property then where the object is stored and vice-versa

3. What is the Difference b/w MVVM and VIPER, which is better, and why

4. What is Generic and Any? use cases of it.

5. optional binding and optional chaining, implicit unwrapped

6. Difference b/w layoutSubviews and layout if needed

7. what constraint will you apply if there are 3 labels in the cell and each can grow to multiple lines( if situated horizontally and vertically)

8. what is Core Data and how it works

2nd Round: (Technical round/Discussion)

1. Insertion and deletion in the linked list (find a number and delete it)

2. remove duplicates in a linked list

3. Print the frequency of elements from an array in order of their occurrences

3rd Round: (Technical round/Discussion)

1. What are the Differences between Objective C and Swift (based on Swift is fast)

2. Which language is fast compiled or interpreted

3. swift is compiled or interpreted

4. what are getter and setter in Objc

5. Can we assign any type of object to any type of variable in objc(if yes then is there any way to stop it)

6. what are dynamic dispatch and virtual dispatch

7. objc is virtual or dynammic

4th Round: (Technical round/Discussion)

1. Assignment to show a list of objects fetched from an API

2. Handle pagination

3. handle rotation

4. handle offline view

5. what best practices and coding style you follow?


5th Round: (Managerial round/Discussion)

1. What do you like about iOS development?

2. Any other language and technology you know?

3. What are the differences b/n Python and swift

4. What is rest and soap?

5. Any idea about how the server works

6. Future goals in technology and in career

6th Round. (HR Round / Salary discussion)

HR congrats me for completing all the rounds. and did the discussion for the salary expectations.

Not all candidates will go through the 4 rounds of technical discussion, in my case HR told me they want to put my interview to another team hence they need one more discussion with their team members.

If you put efforts into the basic understanding of concepts and practical implementation then you will face no issue in any round.

All the Best!

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