YACC program to implement a Calculator and recognize a valid Arithmetic expression

Problem: YACC program to implement a Calculator and recognize a valid Arithmetic expression.

Yacc (for “yet another compiler compiler.”) is the standard parser generator for the Unix operating system. An open source program, yacc generates code for the parser in the C programming language. The acronym is usually rendered in lowercase but is occasionally seen as YACC or Yacc.


Input: 4+5 
Output: Result=9
Entered arithmetic expression is Valid

Input: 10-5
Output: Result=5
Entered arithmetic expression is Valid

Input: 10+5-
Entered arithmetic expression is Invalid

Input: 10/5
Output: Result=2
Entered arithmetic expression is Valid

Input: (2+5)*3
Output: Result=21
Entered arithmetic expression is Valid

Input: (2*4)+
Entered arithmetic expression is Invalid

Input: 2%5
Output: Result=2
Entered arithmetic expression is Valid 

Lexical Analyzer Source Code:

   /* Definition section */
  #include "y.tab.h"
  extern int yylval;
/* Rule Section */
[0-9]+ {
          return NUMBER;
[\t] ;
[\n] return 0;
. return yytext[0];
int yywrap()
 return 1;

Parser Source Code :

   /* Definition section */
  int flag=0;
%token NUMBER
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%left '(' ')'
/* Rule Section */
ArithmeticExpression: E{
         printf("\nResult=%d\n", $$);
         return 0;
 E:E'+'E {$$=$1+$3;}
 |E'-'E {$$=$1-$3;}
 |E'*'E {$$=$1*$3;}
 |E'/'E {$$=$1/$3;}
 |E'%'E {$$=$1%$3;}
 |'('E')' {$$=$2;}
 | NUMBER {$$=$1;}
//driver code
void main()
   printf("\nEnter Any Arithmetic Expression which 
                   can have operations Addition, 
                   Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, 
                          Modulus and Round brackets:\n");
   printf("\nEntered arithmetic expression is Valid\n\n");
void yyerror()
   printf("\nEntered arithmetic expression is Invalid\n\n");


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