XenonStack Interview Experience for SDE

XenonStack visited our campus for the SDE position. It is a software and consulting company based in Chandigarh. The hiring process was simple.

Round 1: Online Assessment

All registered candidates were invited to an online meeting where the host introduced us to the company and assigned a task. The application was to be built using the MERN stack. We were given a day to complete and submit the assignment. The submission process required us to use GitHub for code submission and provide an online deployment link.

The assignment was to create a login authentication web application with a contact form. The UI design was left to our imagination, and we were encouraged to ensure it was responsive. The backend integration involved using APIs and MongoDB to handle data storage.

Round 2: HR Interview

No technical rounds were conducted, and all the shortlisted students were interviewed by HR. During the interview, HR inquired about our availability and dedication towards the firm. They also assessed our ability to handle pressure and flexibility once we join the company.

Verdict: Selected

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