Write formula of finding selling and cost price when profit or loss percent is given.

To find the selling price (SP) and cost price (CP) when the profit or loss percentage is given, you can use the following formulas:

  • Profit (P) Percentage:
    • If the profit percentage is given, use this formula:
      • SP = CP + (Profit Percentage * CP / 100)
    • To find CP when profit percentage is given, rearrange the formula:
      • CP = SP / (1 + (Profit Percentage / 100))
  • Loss (L) Percentage:
    • If the loss percentage is given, use this formula:
      • SP = CP – (Loss Percentage * CP / 100)
    • To find CP when loss percentage is given, rearrange the formula:
      • CP = SP / (1 – (Loss Percentage / 100))

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