Write a note on Jute Plantation in Tamil Nadu

India is located in South Asia and is the seventh-largest country by area and second-largest by population. It is surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean from three of its sides. The Indian subcontinent has always been an important place for world trade. The large abundance of natural resources was an additional advantage. There was a huge market in the European countries for Indian spices and various crops grown in the country. India has always been highly dependent on the agricultural sector.

Tamil Nadu is surrounded by the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. Tamil is the most spoken language in the state. Tamil Nadu, just like the country has always been dependent on the Agricultural sector. It is one of the most important sectors in the economic growth of the state. Tamil Nadu has always been a leading producer of agricultural goods in India. Dr M.S. Swaminathan also known as the “father of the Indian Green Revolution” was from Tamil Nadu. The main reason for such high production of agricultural products is the fertile land and the effective plantation system used in the state. The plantations in this state grow a large variety of crops.

Climatic conditions of Tamil Nadu

The climate of Tamil Nadu can be described as tropical or subtropical. The average temperature for the state is 20 C to 40 o C. The average rainfall received by the state is 1,900 mm in a year. Most of the rainfall is received in the months between October and December. The soil in this region is well drained. All these conditions are essential for the growth of cotton as the average temperature required by jute to grow is 20 to 40 o C and it requires well drained fertile soil with moderate rainfall. Hence Tamil Nadu is suitable for the Growth of Jute.


Jute is a long, soft fibre that is spun into coarse, strong threads. Corchorus is a part of the mallow family Malvaceae. Jute is the name of the plant that is used to make these fibres. Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibres only second to cotton. Jute is also called golden fibres due to its colour and high cash value. Bangladesh and India are the major exporters of jute in the world. Jute is mostly grown in Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Bangladesh. The jute plant requires alluvial soil and standing water for better growth. The monsoon climate is the best environment for the growth of Jute. The appropriate temperature for the growth is 20 to 40o C. Soft water is very important for the production of Jute.

Conditions Required for the growth of Jute

Jute is a crop suitable for humid climates. The jute requires around 2500 mm of rainfall. There should be no clouds blocking the sunlight. This plant does not grow properly if the water is logged. It is best grown in temperatures between 15 o C and 34 o C. The humidity of air should be around 65 per cent for proper growth. If the drainage of some areas is good and it has high rainfall then it is suitable for growth. Jute has the capacity to grow in all types of soil but it grows best in alluvial and loamy soil. The pH suitable for Jute growth is 5.0 to 7.4.  

Production of Jute

Currently, India is the largest producer of jute in the country. India is mostly grown in west Bengal, Odisha, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Andhra Pradesh. The jute production Industry is almost 150 years old and one of the most important non-food crops. The Jute Industry employs more than two lakh people in Bengal alone. The crops are planted in April and Harvested in August. 

The Government wanted to increase the interest of people in the production of Jute. Tirunelveli Thoothukudi districts were among the places which were assured supply of irrigation water for the cultivation of Jute. The government tried to support jute production by increasing exports and supporting registered farmers.

Jute is successfully grown in plantations of  Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Tiruchirappalli, Perambalur, Karur, Pudukkottai. The government of Tamil Nadu had promised the farmers of providing a proper irrigation system to the farmers.

FAQ about Jute Plantations in Tamil Nadu

Question 1: Write a short note on Tamil Nadu.


Tamil Nadu is a state in the Southern part of India. This state is surrounded by the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. Tamil is the most spoken language in the state. Tamil Nadu, just like the country has always been dependent on the Agricultural sector. Tamil Nadu has always been a leading producer of agricultural goods in India. The main reason for such high production of agricultural products is the fertile land and the effective plantation system used in the state. The plantations in this state grow a large variety of crops.

Question 2: What are the conditions required for the growth of Jute?


The jute plant needs alluvial soil and standing water. The monsoon climate is the best environment for the growth of Jute. The appropriate temperature for the growth is 20 to 40o C. Soft water is very important for the production of Jute. Currently, India is the largest producer of jute in the world followed by Bangladesh.

Question 3: In what places of Tamil Nadu is Jute grown?


Jute is successfully grown in plantations of  Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Tiruchirappalli, Perambalur, Karur, Pudukkottai. The government of Tamil Nadu had promised the farmers of providing a proper irrigation system to the farmers. The Government wanted to increase the interest of people in the production of Jute. Tirunelveli Thoothukudi districts were among the places which were assured supply of irrigation water for the cultivation of Jute. 

Question 4: Write a short note on Jute production in India.


Currently, India is the largest producer of jute in the country. India is mostly grown in west Bengal, Odisha, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Andhra Pradesh. The jute production Industry is almost 150 years old. The Jute Industry employs more than two lakh people in Bengal alone. The crops are planted in April and Harvested in August. 

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