Worksheets in Excel

A spreadsheet is a grid-based file that organizes data and performs calculations using scalable entries. These are used all over the world to create tables for personal and business purposes. It contains rows and columns of cells and can be used to organize, calculate, and sort data. Spreadsheet data can include text, formulas, references, and functions, as well as numeric values.

A spreadsheet has evolved over the years from a simple grid to a powerful tool that functions as a database or app, performing numerous calculations on one sheet. Using a spreadsheet, you can figure out your mortgage payments over time or determine how depreciation affects your business’s taxes. You can also merge data between several sheets and then visualize it in color-coded tables for better understanding. It can be intimidating for new users to use a spreadsheet program because of all the new features. 

A worksheet is a collection of cells(It is a basic data unit in the worksheet), where you can store and manipulate data. By default, every workbook contains at least one worksheet in it. It is easier to organize and locate information in your workbook by using multiple worksheets when working with many data. Adding information to multiple worksheets simultaneously is also easily accomplished by grouping worksheets. In Excel, worksheets can easily be added, renamed, and deleted. Spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel are fantastic for maintaining long data lists, budgets, sales figures, etc. A worksheet contains 1048576 rows, 16384 columns, and 17,179,869,184 cells per worksheet.

When the Excel program is opened for the first time, the user sees three blank worksheets in the workbook. The screenshot below shows the first worksheet with three tabs at the bottom left corner named Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. If a workbook contains many worksheets, arrows will also make it easier to view the worksheet tabs.

It is not necessary to delete the two unused worksheets if you’re only using one worksheet – most people don’t bother. Newer versions of Excel save workbooks as xlsx files. Older versions xls extension. 

Can we have more than one Excel worksheet in one workbook? According to Microsoft, it’s limited by the number of memory slots on your computer. This is useful if you’re linking data from one worksheet to another, and especially if you’re grouping worksheets that are extremely closely related. However, using the worksheet tabs back and forth can become confusing.

Characteristics of a good worksheet

  1. An appealing worksheet should have specific titles that indicate what it is about as well as pictures or other clipart to draw some attention.
  2. It is important that the paper and the writing are in good contrast so that eye strain is minimized.
  3. Users should be able to do the worksheet independently by following the directions with examples.
  4. Despite the fact that the worksheet needs to illuminate a pattern in problem solving or usage, it shouldn’t grind an idea into dust.
  5. Once the worksheet has been completed, the user should be able to explain how it was formed or what it was meant to teach: the answer to this question should be linked to the worksheet’s title.

View a Worksheet

To view a worksheet, click on a worksheet’s tab to view it. Worksheet names and/or many worksheet tabs may not allow the workbook window to display all tabs, so use the arrows on the left of each tab to navigate left or right, or right-click on any arrow and select the worksheet to show from the list.

Click on worksheet to view a worksheet

Rename a Worksheet

To rename a worksheet, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Right-click on the current tab you will get a list. 

Step 2: Now in this list select Rename option and then typing a new name. 

You can also rename the worksheet by double-clicking on the tab.

Insert a Worksheet

One of the fastest ways to insert a worksheet in a workbook is to click on the small tab to the right of the last worksheet tab. The worksheet can then be moved to a different position if necessary.

Alternative Method to insert a Worksheet

As an alternative, you can add a new worksheet left of an existing worksheet by using the following steps:

Step 1:  Right-click on the tab of the existing worksheet that is just to the right of where you want the new worksheet to be placed. Whenever a spreadsheet is inserted into a worksheet, Excel inserts it to the left.

Step 2: A dialogue box open, here select worksheet.

Step 3: Press OK and your new worksheet is add on the left of the current worksheet.

So this is how you can insert new worksheet.

Delete a Worksheet

To delete a worksheet, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Right-click on the current tab(or the tab that your want to delete) you will get a list. 

Step 2: Now in this list select the Delete option and your list will be deleted.

So this is how you can delete worksheets. 


Now, let’s take a working example. Here, I am creating a lesson plan for c++ subject:

Now if I want to teach more than 1 subject then I need to include or insert one more worksheet and for inserting a new worksheet click on the small tab to the right of the last worksheet tab.

Now, if we want to rename that file then we can rename the spreadsheet tab by right-clicking it, selecting Rename option from the context menu, and then typing a new name. Here, I rename that sheet1 with 16MCS22CLAB.

Now, if I want to view the 16MCS22C2 worksheet then click on a worksheet’s tab to view it.

Now, after some time I don’t need the 16MCS22CLAB file. So, to delete that file and for deleting a file, select the Delete option from the context menu by right-clicking the worksheet tab.

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