WorkonGrid Interview Experience for Backend Developer Intern

After Clearing the Aptitude and Project Development round Technical Round – 1 is Scheduled. The questions are total from the resume itself.

He Started with Projects that I did and asked me to explain the projects. Then moved to relevant experiences in the past. Then moved on to Django questions.

  • What are MiddleWares and How to use declare our own?

He deeply asked questions about it and asked me to implement using a sample question. And He asked about my technical articles written on w3wiki related to Flask. And then

  • What is Authentication?
  • What are its different types and which type do you use the most?
  • Asked about some status codes.

And then came into advanced Python topics.

  • what are decorators and how do you declare them?
  • What will happen after declaring the decorator?
  • what are generators?
  • Difference between yield and return?

Then He asked me a coding question.

Q) create a list which contains 5 dictionaries and each dictionary contains two keys named key and value.

Like this:-

arr = [{"key":"python","value":1}, {"key":"Go","value":2},{"key":"Java","value":3},{"key":"Html","value":4},{"key":"css","value":5}]
This is the sample list which has 5 dictionaries.

You need to create a function that will take the above list as one parameter and value as another parameter.

Your function needs to return the dictionaries in the list whose value is greater than or equal to the passed value. And combine all dictionaries into one if its value is lesser than the passed value.

If we pass value 3 with the list as parameters to the function, it will return

and combine the values less than 3. i.e.,
Interview went around 40 Minutes. It all depends on your resume and your projects and relevant experience.

Hope this will help.

This Article was Contributed by Bhargav Katabathuni. If you have any doubts feel free to reach out to me.

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