Working of Manets AODV Reactive Routing Protocol

In this article, we will discuss the overview of Manets AODV Reactive Routing Protocol and our main focus will be on Working of Manets AODV Reactive Routing Protocol. Also, will cover its routing types. Let’s discuss it one by one.

Introduction : 
In this, we will discuss the overview of Manets AODV Reactive Routing Protocol, and it is needed Because they are On-Demand Routing Protocols. Less overhead. Also, Overhead depends on mobility model level in Networks. The route is determined when needed. More Scalability but have the limitation that it consist route latency is high and route cache is reduced up to the optimum number. The paths remain identical until a packet forwarding error occurs, i.e. a change in the network topology means that the packet is not transferable anymore. There are many other reactive protocols like DSR, ABR, etc. This AODV is more generalized and standardized in the field of research and the most used protocol. Reactive protocols have less overhead than proactive protocols, but they can respond to network topology changes more slowly. 

Routing protocol -AODV Working :
Here, we will discuss the working of Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing(AODV) as follows.

  • Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing(AODV) –
    Since AODV is a reactive (or on-demand) MANET routing protocol, it only keeps routes that have a demand in the network. For reaching destinations, AODV holds a routing table with the next hop. If no packets are sent on a path, they will time out after a while. It only consists of information about its neighbor nodes so re-transferring the data frames might take more time.

Types of routing in AODV :
It consists of 3 types of routing messages as follows.

  1. RREQ: Route Request – 
    A node, Initiates to send/transmit a packet but doesn’t know how to get there, it sends an RREQ multicast message to start the route discovery process. Neighboring nodes keep track of where the message originated and move it on to their neighbors before it reaches the destination node. 
  2. RREP: Route Reply –
    The destination node responds with an RREP, which returns to the source through the path taken by the RREQ. As the RREP returns to the source, forward routes are formed in the intermediate nodes. If an intermediate node knows the path to the destination, it may send an RREP in response to a received RREQ, allowing nodes to enter an established route. Communication between the source and the destination will begin once the RREP arrives at the source and the route is established. 
  3. REER: Route Error –
    AODV typically has less overhead as a reactive protocol (less route maintenance messages) than proactive. In the event of the connection interruption that the path no longer functions, i.e. messages cannot be sent, a RERR message is sent through a node detecting the link interruption. The message is re-cast by other nodes. The RERR message shows the unattainable destination. Message receiving nodes inactivates the route.

Conclusion :
Routing and protocol such that Manets AODV Reactive Routing Protocol plays an important in networking. Here, we are able to learn the overview part, and it’s functioning and also, we have understood the 3 types of routing messages. Now, you have enough knowledge to understand the Manets AODV Reactive Routing Protocol. If you want to learn more, then you can follow the references for the same.

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