Words with Silent Letters in English

Words with Silent Letters: “Words with Silent Letters” refers to words in the English language that contain letters that are not pronounced when the word is spoken aloud. These silent letters are present in various words and can affect pronunciation and spelling. Understanding words with silent letters is important for improving language skills and mastering English spelling and pronunciation.

In this article, we’ll talk about words with silent letters.

Table of Content

  • What is a silent letter?
  • Silent Letters Words A to Z
  • Difficult Words with Silent Letters
  • Words with Silent Letters at the Beginning
  • How to Identify Silent Letters in English

What is a silent letter?

A silent letter is a letter in a word you don’t hear when you say the word. This means it is there when you write the word but don’t say it aloud. English has many words with silent letters, which can make spelling different from how we say the words.

Examples of words with silent letters include:

Psychology – The “p” is silent.

Castle – The “t” is silent.

Comb – The “b” is silent.

Gnome – The “g” is silent.

Silent Letters Words A to Z

Here are words with silent letters from A to Z, along with proper explanations:

Words with Silent Letter A

Aisle – The “a” is silent. It is pronounced as “I’ll”.

  • Artistically – The “a” is silent. It is pronounced as “ahr-tis-tik-lee”.
  • Anchor – The “ch” is silent. It is pronounced as “ang-ker”.
  • Ache – The “e” is silent. It is pronounced as “ayk”.
  • Apothecary – The “a” is silent. It is pronounced as “uh-poth-uh-kair-ee”.

Words with Silent Letter B

  • Comb – The “b” is silent. It is pronounced as “kohm”.
  • Doubt – The “b” is silent. It is pronounced as “dowt”.
  • Subtle – The “b” is silent. It is pronounced as “sut-l”.
  • Lamb – The “b” is silent. It is pronounced as “lam”.
  • Thumb – The “b” is silent. It is pronounced as “thuhm”.

Words with Silent Letter C

  • Muscle – The “c” is silent. It is pronounced as “muh-sul”.
  • Scene – The “c” is silent. It is pronounced as “seen”.
  • Scent – The “c” is silent. It is pronounced as “sent”.
  • Scissors – The “c” is silent. It is pronounced as “siz-ers”.
  • Science – The “c” is silent. It is pronounced as “sy-ens”.

Words with Silent Letter D

  • Edge – The “d” is silent. It is pronounced as “ej”.
  • Handsome – The “d” is silent. It is pronounced as “han-suhm”.
  • Sandwich – The “d” is silent. It is pronounced as “san-wich”.
  • Wedge – The “d” is silent. It is pronounced as “wej”.
  • Wednesday – The “d” is silent. It is pronounced as “wenz-day”.

Words with Silent Letter E

  • Knife – The “k” is silent. It is pronounced as “nyf”.
  • Mortgage – The “t” is silent. It is pronounced as “mor-gij”.
  • Wrench – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “rench”.
  • Wrinkle – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “rink-ul”.
  • Wrestle – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “res-uhl”.

Words with Silent Letter G

  • Sign – The “g” is silent. It is pronounced as “sain”.
  • Reign – The “g” is silent. It is pronounced as “rayn”.
  • Resign – The “g” is silent. It is pronounced as “ri-zain”.
  • Design – The “g” is silent. It is pronounced as “di-zain”.
  • Champagne – The “g” is silent. It is pronounced as “sham-payn”.

Words with Silent Letter H

  • Honest – The “h” is silent. It is pronounced as “on-ist”.
  • Hour – The “h” is silent. It is pronounced as “ow-er”.
  • Heir – The “h” is silent. It is pronounced as “air”.
  • Honor – The “h” is silent. It is pronounced as “on-er”.
  • Rhyme – The “h” is silent. It is pronounced as “rym”.

Words with Silent Letter K

  • Knife – The “k” is silent. It is pronounced as “nyf”.
  • Knot – The “k” is silent. It is pronounced as “not”.
  • Knight – The “k” is silent. It is pronounced as “nyt”.
  • Knack – The “k” is silent. It is pronounced as “nak”.
  • Knowledge – The “k” is silent. It is pronounced as “nol-ij”.

Words with Silent Letter P

  • Pneumonia – The “p” is silent. It is pronounced as “nuh-moh-nee-uh”.
  • Receipt – The “p” is silent. It is pronounced as “ree-seet”.
  • Psychology – The “p” is silent. It is pronounced as “sai-kol-uh-jee”.
  • Pterodactyl – The “p” is silent. It is pronounced as “teh-roh-dak-til”.
  • Pseudonym – The “p” is silent. It is pronounced as “soo-duh-nim”.

Words with Silent Letter W

  • Wrist – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “rist”.
  • Wreath – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “reeth”.
  • Wrench – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “rench”.
  • Write – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “rite”.
  • Wristwatch – The “w” is silent. It is pronounced as “rist-wach”.

Difficult Words with Silent Letters

Here are some difficult words with silent letters, along with explanations:

Pneumonia – The “p” is silent. It is a lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Pronounced as “noo-moh-nee-uh”.

Psychiatric – The “p” is silent. It relates to mental health and disorders. Pronounced as “sai-kuh-trik”.

Connoisseur – The “n” is silent. It refers to an expert judge in matters of taste, such as fine arts or cuisine. Pronounced as “kah-nuh-suh”.

Knuckle – The “k” is silent. It is a joint in a finger where the finger bone and hand bone meet. Pronounced as “nuhk-uhl”.

Exacerbate – The “e” is silent. It means to make a situation worse or more severe. Pronounced as “ig-zas-er-beyt”.

Wrinkle – The “w” is silent. It refers to a small line or fold in something, typically the skin. Pronounced as “rink-ul”.

Receipt – The “p” is silent. It is a written acknowledgment that something has been received, usually for goods or services. Pronounced as “ree-seet”.

Colonel – The “l” is silent. It is a military rank. Pronounced as “kur-nl”.

Debris – The “s” is silent. It refers to scattered pieces of waste or remains. Pronounced as “de-bree”.

Reservoir – The “r” is silent. It is a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply. Pronounced as “rez-er-vwahr”.

Words with Silent Letters at the Beginning

Here are some words with silent letters at the beginning:

Knife – The “k” is silent. It is a sharp-edged utensil used for cutting or slicing.

Knot – The “k” is silent. It is a fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope, or other material upon itself and tightening it.

Knuckle – The “k” is silent. It is a joint in a finger where the finger bone and hand bone meet.

Knob – The “k” is silent. It is a rounded handle, typically on a door or drawer, that is used for opening and closing.

Knight – The “k” is silent. It is a title given to a man awarded a nonhereditary title by the British monarch.

Gnat – The “g” is silent. It is a small flying insect.

Gnome – The “g” is silent. It is a small humanoid creature in folklore, typically living underground.

Gnash – The “g” is silent. It means to grind one’s teeth together, typically in anger or frustration.

Hour – The “h” is silent. It is a period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night.

Honest – The “h” is silent. It means free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.

How to Identify Silent Letters in English

Identifying silent letters in English can be a bit tricky, but here are some tips to help you recognize them:

Look at the Word: When you see a word pay attention to all the letters in it,even if you don’t say them all when you talk.

Listen Carefully: When you hear people speak notice if they skip any letters in certain words. These might be the silent ones.

Use a Dictionary: Check a dictionary for how words are pronounced. It will show you which letters are silent.

Learn Patterns: Some letters are silent in many words. For example, the “k” in “knight” or the “h” in “honest.”

Practice: Keep reading and listening to English to get better at spotting silent letters.

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Knowing about silent letters in English words is important for speaking and writing correctly. Although they can be confusing, learning patterns and common examples helps us understand how English works. By practicing and paying attention to how words are pronounced, we can improve our language skills over time. While silent letters may seem strange, they show us how languages change and evolve over time. So, keep learning and exploring English to become better at it.

FAQs on Words with Silent Letters

What are silent letters?

Silent letters are letters in words that are not pronounced when speaking the word. They are present in the spelling but do not contribute to the sound of the word.

Why do English words have silent letters?

English has many silent letters due to its complex history and borrowing of words from various languages. Silent letters often reflect the historical origins or etymology of words.

Are there rules for silent letters in English?

While English spelling and pronunciation can be irregular, there are some common patterns and rules for silent letters. For example, silent “e” at the end of words, silent “k” before “n” or “g”, and silent “h” at the beginning of words.

Can silent letters change pronunciation?

Yes, silent letters can affect the pronunciation of surrounding letters. For example, the silent “e” at the end of “rate” changes the pronunciation of the vowel “a” from “rat” to “rate”.

Are there silent letters in other languages?

Yes, many languages have silent letters, although the specific letters and rules may vary from language to language.

Are silent letters important to know in English?

Yes, understanding silent letters is important for correct pronunciation and spelling in English. Knowing when letters are silent helps improve language skills and comprehension.

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