Words that Start with A

The majority of us probably began our English language studies by learning words that begin with the letter “A.” It’s also the conventional approach employed in classrooms. Words beginning with each letter of the English alphabet are taught to students as they are introduced to it.

The letter ‘A’ is also a vowel. It is the only letter that can complete a word and can change its meaning. Almost every word has the letter ‘A’ in it. The earliest predecessor of the letter ‘A’ can be traced back to the Proto-Sinaitic script, an early writing system used in the Sinai Peninsula. This script is considered one of the earliest forms of alphabetic writing. This article offers you a comprehensive list of words that start with the English alphabet’s first letter, “A.”

Table of Content

  • List of Words that Start with A
  • Words that Start with “A” – 5 letters
  • Words that Start with “A” for Kids
  • Easy Words that Start with “A”
  • Short Words that Start with “A”
  • Words that Start with “A” to Describe Someone
  • 25 Nouns That Start with A
  • 25 Verbs That Start with A
  • 25 Adjectives\Describing Words That Start with A
  • 25 Positive Words That Start with A
  • List of 100+ Most Common A Words for Everyday Communication

List of Words that Start with A

Here’s a range of words that start with the letter ‘A’.

Word Length Words
letter words that start with A An, Aw, Ad, Ar, At, Am, Ax, Ai, Au
3 letter words that start with A And, Ass, Aft, Ask, Age, Ant, Art, Ale, Apt
4 letter words that start with A Able, Atom, Aero, Aide, Away, Army, Acts, Adap
5 letter words that start with A Alive, Avers, Agony, Acres, Ample, Agree, Adapt
6 letter words that start with A Abduct, Absurd, Absorb, Absent
7 letter words that start with A Abjurer, Absolve, Abscond, Abscess, Abandon, Absence, Abscind
8 letter words that start with A Abalones, Academic, Aardvark, Abatable, Abdicant, Abetting, Abhorred, Abdomens, Abetters, Abeyance, Abettors, Abidance
9 letter words that start with A Absurdity, Absorbing, Abdicants, Abatement, Absorbent, Abstinent, Abstained, Abundance, Abductive, Abandoner, Abdicated, Abducting, Abdicable, Abstainer, Abduction, Aberrance, Abdicator, Abasement, Abdicates, Abductees
10 letter words that start with A Adjustably, Accessible, Acceptable, Absorbedly, Accessibly, Abdicating, Abnegating, Adjudgment, Abnegation, Absurdness, Abdication
11 letter words that start with A Abandonment, Accessories, Accelerated, Adjudgement
12 letter words that start with A Abstractedly

Words that Start with “A” – 5 letters

  • Apple: A type of fruit with a thin skin and juicy flesh.
  • Alive: Having life; living; not dead.
  • Angel: A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God.
  • Ample: Enough or more than enough; plentiful.
  • Alpha: The first letter of the Greek alphabet; used to denote something as first or primary.

Words that Start with “A” for Kids

  • Animal: A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system.
  • Airplane: A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.
  • Alphabet: A set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic sounds of a language.
  • Adventure: An exciting or unusual experience, often involving risk and/or the unknown.
  • Apple: A common fruit that grows on trees and is often eaten raw

Easy Words that Start with “A”

  • Apple: A common fruit that grows on trees.
  • Able: Having the necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications to do something.
  • Art: The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture.
  • Ask: To say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
  • Aunt: The sister of one’s father or mother, or the wife of one’s uncle.

Short Words that Start with “A”

  • Ant: A small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens.
  • Ash: The powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.
  • Axe: A tool typically used for chopping wood, usually with a metal blade and a wooden handle.
  • Awe: A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
  • Arm: Each of the two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand.

Words that Start with “A” to Describe Someone

  • Ambitious: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
  • Adventurous: Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.
  • Affable: Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
  • Altruistic: Showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
  • Adaptable: Able to adjust to new conditions.

25 Nouns That Start with A

  • Ant
  • Ape
  • Air
  • Army
  • Alms
  • Acne
  • Anger
  • Apple
  • Action
  • Activity
  • Animal
  • Actress
  • Addition
  • Accident
  • Acceptance
  • Achievement
  • Aquarium
  • Amusement
  • Accusation
  • Adjustment
  • Ambience
  • Atmosphere
  • Astronomy
  • Ambition
  • Announcement

25 Verbs That Start with A

  • Ask
  • Aim
  • Aid
  • Add
  • Act
  • Adapt
  • Await
  • Attain
  • Agree
  • Aspire
  • Activate
  • Announce
  • Approve
  • Appease
  • Acclaim
  • Accept
  • Appoint
  • Assist
  • Alleviate
  • Acquaint
  • Accomplish
  • Aggravate
  • Acclimatise
  • Arrange
  • Allude

25 Adjectives\Describing Words That Start with A

  • Adept
  • Agile
  • Angry
  • Active
  • Azure
  • Auster
  • Abrupt
  • Absent
  • Antique
  • Adaptable
  • Attractive
  • Adhesive
  • Adorable
  • Audacious
  • Affordable
  • Ambitious
  • Aimless
  • Admirable
  • Adequate
  • Agreeable
  • Aggressive
  • Arrogant
  • Authentic
  • Animated
  • Affectionate

25 Positive Words That Start with A

  • Able
  • Avid
  • Accomplish
  • Appreciate
  • Adore
  • Accept
  • Artistic
  • Admiration
  • Active
  • Ameliorate
  • Ambitious
  • Adaptable
  • Agreeable
  • Amazing
  • Accurate
  • Abundant
  • Amicable
  • Authentic
  • Affable
  • Assertive
  • Accessible
  • Audacious
  • Affluent
  • Accommodating
  • Affectionate

List of 100+ Most Common A Words for Everyday Communication

Word Meaning
About On the subject of; approximately
Above At a higher level or layer
Accept Consent to receive or undertake
Access Means of approaching or entering
Accomplish Achieve or complete successfully
According As stated by or in
Account A report or description of an event
Accurate Correct in all details; exact
Achieve Successfully reach a desired objective
Acknowledge Accept or admit the existence or truth of
Acquire Buy or obtain for oneself
Act Take action; do something
Action The fact or process of doing something
Active Engaging or ready to engage in activity
Activity A condition in which things are happening
Add Join something to something else
Address A formal speech; to speak to
Adjust Alter or move slightly
Administer Manage and be responsible for
Admire Regard with respect or warm approval
Admit Confess to be true or to be the case
Adopt Legally take another’s child as one’s own
Adult A person who is fully grown or developed
Advance Move forwards in a purposeful way
Advantage A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable position
Adventure An unusual and exciting experience
Advice Guidance or recommendations
Advise Offer suggestions for the best course of action
Affect Have an effect on; make a difference to
Afford Have enough money to pay for
Afraid Feeling fear or anxiety
After In the time following
Again Another time; once more
Against In opposition to
Age The length of time someone has lived
Agency A business or organization providing a service
Agent A person who acts on behalf of another
Agree Have the same opinion
Ahead Further forward in space or time
Aid Help, typically of a practical nature
Aim Point or direct at a target
Air The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth
Alarm An anxious awareness of danger
Album A collection of recordings
Alert Quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances; an alarm
Alive Living, not dead
All Used to refer to the whole quantity
Allow Permit
Almost Not quite; very nearly
Alone Having no one else present
Along Forward, ahead
Already Before or by now or the time in question
Also In addition; too
Alter Change or cause to change
Always At all times; on all occasions
Amaze Surprise greatly; fill with astonishment
Among Surrounded by; in the company of
Amount A quantity of something
Amuse Cause to find something funny
Analyze Examine methodically
Ancient Belonging to the very distant past
And Used to connect words
Anger A strong feeling of annoyance
Angle The space between two intersecting lines
Angry Feeling or showing anger
Animal A living organism that feeds on organic matter
Announce Make a public and formal declaration
Annoy Irritate or make a little angry
Annual Occurring once every year
Another Used to refer to an additional person or thing
Answer A thing that is said, written, or done as a reaction to a question
Anticipate Regard as probable; expect or predict
Anxiety A feeling of worry, nervousness
Any Used to refer to one or some of a thing
Apart To be separated by a distance
Apologize Express regret for something done wrong
Appeal Make a serious, urgent request
Appear Become visible or noticeable
Apply Make a formal application or request
Appoint Assign a job or role to someone
Appreciate Recognize the full worth of
Approach Come near or nearer to
Approve Officially agree to or accept as satisfactory
Arbitrary Based on random choice or personal whim
Area A region or part of a town, a country, or the world
Argue Exchange or express diverging views
Arm Each of the two upper limbs of the human body

The reference of the words is taken from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

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