Women Education in India

Women Education in India: Women’s education forms an important part of the development of any society. The provision of education for women along with provisions of basic facilities are important, especially in developing countries, where the literacy rates of women are far less than men. The lack of proper resources is the main reason for the imbalances in literacy rates.

Women Education in India

Table of Content

  • Women’s Education in India
  • Reasons behind Importance of Women Education
  • Factors Affecting Women’s Education
  • Phases of Women’s Education in  India
  • Reforms towards the Education of Women

Women’s Education in India

In India, most of the women are illiterate as they are not allowed to pursue education and society thinks that men should educate their children, as women take care of the house and family. Social customs and traditions from ancient times still prevail in the society. The government of India has made it compulsory for all schools to provide education to girls till middle school. Lack of resources has been a hindrance for the same.

Since independence, India has made many important changes and developments and this is also due to women’s education and empowerment steps taken by Government. By promoting education for women, India is achieving higher literacy rates, however, there are wreaks due to different malpractices and social stigmas. Child labor, child marriage, dowry, etc. are some of the reasons for inequality. Education is one of the most important weapons for fighting social stigmas and illogical practices. We need to educate the whole society for social rights of all genders.

There are many reforms as well as acts by the Government amended for patronizing women education. Aids have been distributed and education is almost free for all rural children, so that women can get good education and pursue their dreams. Strict actions are taken and also crimes related to gender should be penalized for stopping gender discrimination. With women education, there will be empowering of women to make decisions and simultaneously lead to economic growth of the country.

Reasons behind Importance of Women Education

Women education is very important for the development of the country. Educated women play a very vital role in the development of their families.

  1. Educated women are less likely to be getting married at young age and hence preventing child marriages.
  2. Educated women do contribute to the economic development of the various countries.
  3. Women education is very important for the empowerment of women.
  4. Educated women are mostly aware of the various social issues and act as role model for younger generations.

Factors Affecting Women’s Education

There are many factors which create problems for the education of women and are one of the most vulnerable sections of the society. The most basic dilemma lies in education of female child which depends on family to which she belongs. Various factors are considered to be reasons for causing the problems like:

  1. Gender inequality
  2. Economic exploitation
  3. Social discrimination

Phases of Women’s Education in  India

Formal schooling was given to young ladies and women, they were expected to present the mantras or the stanzas with clearness and proficiency. In ancient India, women were given equal opportunities as men in educational institutions but this privilege end very soon and women were only exposed to domestic work and family responsibilities. They were sent to schools, instead, they were trained to do household work. Women who tried to overcome these barriers were cursed and got abandoned by society. Thus, women became unaware of issues taking part in society and lacked knowledge of men.

Reforms towards the Education of Women

Educating girls was considered a burden and useless as it would take them away from domestic work. But many reformers struggled for women’s education and the abolition of child marriage.

Arya Samaj in Punjab and Jyotirao Phule established schools for girls in Maharashtra. In Patna and Calcutta, Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain started schools for Muslim girls. Thus slowly with the support from reformers, omen started entering universities for higher education and some even started working as teachers, doctors, and lawyers.


Women education is one of the most important topic which ignites discussion all over globe and people are often careless when it comes to educate women. Education to women provides a chance for a developed and better future, where they could stand for their rights and demand justice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of women’s education in India?

The role of higher literacy among female is reduction of child mortality and education lowers the social stigma. Women education reduces inequalities in society and empowers the marginalised women to build better future.

What is meant by women’s education?

Women’s education refers to a complex set of issues as well as debates which surround education for girls and women.

What is female education level in India?

Female education level in India is 91.95% according to 2021.

Who started women’s education in India?

Jyotiba Phule and his wife Savitribai Phule were the pioneers of women education.

What is the aim of women’s education?

The aim of women’s education is to strengthen the economies and also reduction of inequality.

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