wmemcpy() function in C/C++

The wmemcpy() function is specified in header file cwchar.h and copies a specified number of character from one string to the other. This function doesn’t check for any terminating null wide character in the first string called source it always copies exactly n characters to the second string called destination


wchar_t* wmemcpy( wchar_t* destination, const wchar_t* source, size_t n )

Parameter: The function accepts three mandatory parameters which are described below:  

  • destination: specifies a pointer where the characters are to be copied.
  • source: specifies a pointer where the data are present.
  • n: specifies the number of characters to be copied.

Return value: The function returns the destination string.

Below programs illustrate the above function: 

Program 1 :  


// C++ program to illustrate
// wmemcpy() function
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // initialize the destination size
    wchar_t destination[20];
    // initialize the source string
    wchar_t source[] = L"Beginner are for Beginner";
    // till number of characters
    int n = 13;
    // function to copy from source to
    // destination
    wmemcpy(destination, source, n);
    wcout << L"Initial string -> " << source << "\n";
    // print the copied string
    wcout << L"Final string -> ";
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    return 0;


Initial string -> Beginner are for Beginner
Final string -> Beginner are for


Program 2 : 


// C++ program to illustrate
// wmemcpy() function
// when 'n' is equal to the number of
// characters in the source string
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // initialize the destination size
    wchar_t destination[3];
    // initialize the source string
    wchar_t source[] = L"GFG";
    // till number of characters
    int n = 3;
    // function to copy from source to
    // destination
    wmemcpy(destination, source, n);
    wcout << L"Initial string -> " << source << "\n";
    // print the copied string
    wcout << L"Final string -> ";
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    return 0;


Initial string -> GFG
Final string -> GFG


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