Wissen Interview Experience

Round 1 – Online Assessment

In this round, there were over 1900 eligible students. It consisted of:

  • 8 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering OS, DBMS, Shell Scripting, and Reasoning.
  • 1 medium-level SQL query involving JOIN operations.
  • 3 challenging coding questions.

Unfortunately, no one was able to solve all three coding questions, but I managed to solve 2 of them.

Round 2 – Technical Interview 1 (virtual)

Out of the 1900 applicants, only 100 were selected for this stage. Interestingly, I wasn’t on the initial list of qualified students, but I received a late-night call from the company’s HR about my interview the next day. The interview covered the following topics:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Discussion of my projects.
  3. Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as inheritance, association, aggregation, composition, and polymorphism, with examples.
  4. Operating system concepts, including processes, threads, caching, and page faults.
  5. Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) questions, such as Valid Parentheses, LinkedList loop detection, Tree height, and a Binary Search-related question.
  6. SQL topics like Joins, UNION, and UNION ALL queries.
  7. DBMS, where I was asked to determine the normal form of a given table.

Most interviews lasted between 1 to 1.5 hours, but mine was relatively short, lasting only 20 minutes.

Round 3 – Technical Interview 2 (virtual)

Out of the 100 candidates who made it to this round, two interviewers focused on DSA questions:

  1. Buy and Sell Stock problem.
  2. A medium-level string-related question.

I shared my screen and began writing code in C++, but the interviewers requested that I write the code in Java. After a brief struggle, I managed to write the code in Java. To my surprise, they asked me to write the code in Notepad and compile and run it using commands. This took me 56 minutes to complete, but the interviewers were impressed with my ability to code in Notepad.

Round 4 – Coding SQL Assessment on Paper (On Campus – offline)

Out of the 100 candidates, 52 were selected for this round, which took place on campus and offline. The assessment lasted for 2 hours and included:

  1. One easy coding question.
  2. One math-related coding question.
  3. A development and DSA-related question that required applying DSA knowledge in real-time. This question gave me an advantage in the next round.
  4. An eCommerce problem statement where we had to design a database schema and write specific queries.

Round 5 – Director Round (offline)

Only 19 students made it to this round, which included the Executive Director on the panel. The complexity of the interviews varied from easy to hard. When I introduced myself, they expressed excitement about meeting me and asked about my approach to the 3rd question in Round 4. After my explanation, they were pleased. The conversation then shifted to more casual topics, such as my travel experiences. The Director even asked me to bring some sweets from my city. Finally, they inquired about my attendance and other non-technical matters.

Note:- This was in my case only . Rest of have to face Coding question, Resume, SQL, Project, OS in depth, and some HR question.

Result: Only 8 students were selected, and I was fortunate to be one of them.

Advice: My experience suggests that candidates should prepare thoroughly for SQL, OS, and DBMS, including in-depth knowledge. Additionally, having strong project experience is crucial. Even if you excel in coding but lack strong project and core knowledge, it can be challenging to secure the role.

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