Wipro WILP Program Interview Experience

“Hello! I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to share my experience with you about the Wipro WILP program interview. It was my very first interview, and as you can imagine, it was quite memorable.

1st Round (Technical Round)

The interview had two rounds – the technical round and the HR round. In the technical round, they asked me about the difference between arrays and linked lists, as well as the concept of a complete binary tree. I was also questioned on the difference between structures and unions. It was a good test of my programming knowledge.

2nd Round (HR round)

During the HR round, they asked some common questions like whether I was okay with the company bond and if I would be willing to relocate. After completing this round, I received a letter of intent from Wipro, which was exciting. However, I eventually decided not to take the job.

For future applicants, I would recommend brushing up on your technical fundamentals, especially data structures and algorithms. Also, don’t forget to include an interesting fact about yourself in the introduction to make a positive impression.

Stay calm and confident during the interview, and make sure you know your resume inside out. Be prepared for HR questions as well, regarding your future plans and willingness to work in different locations.

I hope my experience and tips are helpful for those of you preparing for similar interviews. Best of luck in your endeavors!”

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