Willis Towers Watson Interview Experience for Analyst (On-Campus)

WTW (previously known as Willis Towers Watson) came to our campus for full-time roles around mid-August. It was open only to CSE. The whole process had 3 rounds:

Resume Shortlisting: Initially around 80 students applied for the opportunity. The company did a shortlist based on CGPA and profile. Basically, they checked projects and internships (if any). After shortlisting, they called 37 students for the written test.

Online Written Round (Technical): This round took place via MS Teams and MS Team Forms. We had to join an MS Team call with our camera on. There the HR of the company shared an MS Team form link. It had 50 technical MCQs (single and multi-correct) to be solved in 60 minutes with no negative marking. The questions were from the topics like – DSA, OOPs, DBMS, OS, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, and Code Output (C, C++, Java). I found the questions to be of Easy to Moderate level and solved all of them in 49 minutes. From this round, 7 students were shortlisted for the interview. The company directly invited the students for the panel discussion which was scheduled 2 days later. Thorough knowledge of CS Fundamentals and a bit of Development were enough to clear the round.

Panel Discussion (Tech + HR): This round took place on MS Teams as well. I joined the call a few minutes earlier than scheduled and the HR person greeted me and started with my interview. He asked me about my permanent residence and who is there in my family. As I mentioned about my elder brother, who happens to be in the insurance sector as well, he asked me about his current job role, designations, etc.

After this, 5 more technical executives joined the call, among which there was the Chief Engineering Manager, who started with the technical discussion. Firstly, he asked me for my introduction and future plan for 5 years. After that, he moved on to the projects and internship sections of his resume. He asked me about my Final Year B.Tech project. I am currently working on an Agricultural Chatbot for marginalized farmers. So, I briefly explained the problem statement and what are the things I have done till now, what are future plans, and the tech stack. He then asked how much I know Java as I hadn’t mentioned it in my resume. I said basic level to which he said it’s fine. After that, he wanted to know about my Summer Internship which was an AIISC and IIT Roorkee joint collaboration in the domain of Artificial Intelligence. Again he asked me about the problem statement and solution details, the tech stack used, if I had worked in a team and what were my contributions. Also, he asked me if I am only comfortable in Machine Learning or Web Development. I told him about my past experience of working in different domains for hackathons and projects. He seemed satisfied with my answers.

From there another technical interviewer took over the discussion. He asked me about Decision Trees as I had mentioned it in one of my projects and I explained it wrt a house price prediction model. Then he asked me if I can make APIs or not and what kind of APIs I used in my internship. After that, he directly jumped into OOPs concepts. He asked me to explain Object Oriented Programming in brief, the advantages. Then he asked me to explain inheritance with an example.

After that, another interviewer asked me a follow up question on access modifiers where he gave me a situation and I had to tell which kind of modifiers there can be used.

Then the last interviewer asked me a few basic questions about Natural Language Processing (NLP) as I had worked extensively in the domain. I was able to answer them in brief. He then asked me about the Chatbot frameworks I had used and how I implemented reinforcement learning on them. He seemed happy with the answers and concluded the technical part of the interview.

After this, the HR interviewer came back and asked me what I know about the company, and my plan for future studies (if any). Then he asked me if I am interested in additional 6 months intern role as well to which I answered affirmatively. Lastly, he asked if I had any questions. I asked about the work culture and what will be the challenges in the role, which they explained in brief. The discussion ended on a positive note and they mentioned that they liked the way I was confident and composed. The whole discussion was of about 45 minutes.

Finally, after half an hour of the whole interview process, I got a mail from the company HR confirming the offer. I was the only student to get selected by the company.

General tips for interview:

  • Prepare your CV well. Always have 2/3 projects in your resume and 1/2 internships help immensely as well. Only include the things in your resume in which you are confident. The interviewers can ask anything you have mentioned in your resume.
  • Be confident and always put a smile on your face. There can be tense situations but try to answer confidently. And if you don’t know something, clearly mention that but don’t say anything wrong.
  • Prepare for HR questions, they are more important than you think. Research well about the company and create notes about your answers to popularly asked HR questions.

All the best for your interviews!

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