Why neural networks do not perform well on structured data?

Answer: Neural networks may face challenges with structured data due to complexity and sensitivity to feature scaling, demanding more tuning and preprocessing than traditional algorithms designed for such datasets.

Neural networks, particularly deep learning models, may face challenges when dealing with structured data for several reasons:

  1. Data Representation Issues:
    • Neural networks typically require a fixed-size input, and structured data like tables often have varying column lengths or missing values, making it challenging to represent the data in a uniform format.
    • Categorical variables in structured data need to be encoded, and choosing an appropriate encoding method can impact the network’s ability to capture relationships effectively.
  2. Feature Scaling Sensitivity:
    • Neural networks are sensitive to the scale of input features. In structured data, different features often have different scales, and neural networks may struggle to converge or perform suboptimally without proper normalization or standardization.
  3. Curse of Dimensionality:
    • Structured data can have a high dimensionality with a large number of features. This can lead to increased model complexity and the need for more data to generalize well, making training deep neural networks challenging, especially with limited datasets.
  4. Limited Data Availability:
    • Neural networks, especially deep learning models, require large amounts of data for training to generalize well. In many structured data scenarios, obtaining such large labeled datasets can be challenging.
  5. Overfitting Risk:
    • Deep neural networks are prone to overfitting, especially when dealing with high-dimensional data. Regularization techniques and proper tuning are crucial to prevent overfitting, which can be more challenging in structured data settings.
  6. Interpretability Concerns:
    • Neural networks, particularly deep architectures, are often viewed as “black-box” models, making it difficult to interpret how they arrive at specific predictions. In structured data scenarios where interpretability is crucial (e.g., in finance or healthcare), this lack of transparency can be a drawback.
  7. Complexity vs. Simple Relationships:
    • Neural networks excel at capturing intricate patterns and relationships in data, but for structured data with simple relationships, the complexity of neural networks might be unnecessary. Simpler models like decision trees or linear models can often outperform neural networks in such cases.
  8. Computational Resources:
    • Training deep neural networks can be computationally expensive, and for certain structured data applications where real-time processing is essential, the computational cost may be prohibitive.


In summary, while neural networks can be powerful tools for certain types of data, structured datasets pose unique challenges that may not fully leverage the strengths of neural network architectures. Careful preprocessing, feature engineering, and model selection are crucial when applying neural networks to structured data tasks.

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