Why is UDP Faster than TCP?

In the study of Data Communication and Computer Networks TCP and UDP protocol is a very important concept. Both UDP and TCP are used in data transmission. UDP is faster than TCP but less reliable. We will learn here Why is UDP faster than TCP. UDP and TCP both are data transmission protocols.

TCP is reliable but slower and in contrast, UDP is less reliable and faster. The two-way handshaking mechanism, which ensures the data is transferred is absent in UDP. This makes UDP faster than TCP. TCP ensures end-to-end reliable communication by synchronizing and acknowledging the message. This Two-way handshaking makes TCP slower than TCP. In this article, we are going to learn about TCP and UDP protocols. We will also explore the answers to these important questions:

  • What is a Protocol?
  • What is TCP Protocol in Computer Networking?
  • What is Two-Way Handshaking Mechanism?
  • What is UDP Protocol in Computer Networking?
  • Why is UDP faster than TCP?

Why is UDP Faster than TCP?

UDP is the simplest kind of Networking protocol. It is connectionless so there is not any requirement of connection establishment and connection handling mechanism. On the contrary, TCP uses a two-way handshaking mechanism. This two-way handshaking makes TCP reliable but also slower. This is connection-oriented and reliable but slower than UDP. Before understanding the cause that why UDP is faster than TCP we have to understand both of these from the core of their concept.

What is a Protocol?

A computer networking protocol is a set of rules that governs data communication in computer networking. A protocol ensures what will be the format of data to be transferred, what will be its sequence, and how the datagram will be generated.

In computer networking, there are various protocols such as TCP, UDP, IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SNMP, DHCP, DNS, ARP, ICMP, SSL/TLS, etc. which work at the different layers of the data communication model.

What is TCP Protocol in Computer Networking?

TCP stands for transmission control protocol. This ensures reliable transmission of data from source to destination. It is connection-oriented and slower than UDP. The following are the basic features of TCP Protocol:

  • TCP is reliable in data transmission.
  • TCP is a full duplex, which means data transfer can occur on both sides.
  • TCP takes data from divides it into data packets sent to the destination.
  • TCP provides transmission of data in proper sequence as it was sent.

TCP is used where the reliability of data transmission is crucial.

What is a Two-Way Handshaking Mechanism?

Two-way handshaking mechanism is used in communication between two systems. To ensure communication between two systems TCP requires SYN (synchronization) and ACK (acknowledgment) messages. The SYN message sent by a system ensures that a connection is established. After sending a SYN message a sender waits for a response. ACK message sent by the system in response to received SYN message. This ACK message confirms that the connection is established. This mechanism of SYN and ACK messages is called two-way handshaking.

What is UDP Protocol in Computer Networking?

UDP stands for User Datagram protocol. This is an alternative for TCP but unreliable as it there can be loss of data packets. This is faster than TCP and used where speed of transmission is much important than reliability.

Following are the basic features of UDP:

  • This is faster than TCP.
  • This is connectionless.
  • This is unreliable as it does not ensure data packets are transmitted or not.
  • It does not ensure proper sequence of the message.

This is used where speed is important than the reliability of data transmission.

Why is UDP faster than TCP?

UDP is faster because of its Non-existent acknowledge packet (ACK). UDP is connection less. In TCP there is connection handling mechanism. It does not ensure whether the data packets are received by sender or not. This is the reason why it is also called as ‘Fire-and-Forget’ Protocol.

It is simplest in structure, connection less ness makes UDP faster than TCP. But UDP is not reliable thus it is not used where reliability is important. The handshaking mechanism is absent in UDP. These all elements make UDP faster than the TCP and reduces various delays in data transmission.


UDP and TCP are protocols of computer network. TCP in slower but reliable. UDP is faster but non reliable. UDP is faster because it does contain the mechanism which ensure that the data packets are delivered or not. It is connection less. There is not any two-way handshaking between sender and receiver. These are the reason which makes UDP faster than TCP.

Frequently Asked Questions on Why UDP is faster than TCP – FAQs

What is a protocol in Computer Science?

A computer networking protocol is a set of rules which governs data communication in computer networking. A protocol ensures what will be format of data to be transferred, what will be its sequence and how the datagram will generate.

What is TCP Protocol in networking?

TCP stands for transmission control protocol. This ensures reliable transmission of data from source to destination. It is a connection-oriented protocol.

What is UDP Protocol in Networking?

UDP stands for User Datagram protocol. This is an alternative for TCP but unreliable as it there can be loss of data packets. This is faster than TCP and used where speed of transmission is much important than reliability.

Why UDP is Faster than TCP?

UDP is faster because of its Non-existent acknowledge packet (ACK). The handshaking mechanism is absent in UDP. Thus, UDP is free from overheads. This is the reason why UDP is faster than TCP.

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