Why does Python code run faster in a function?

Python, renowned for its simplicity and readability, has some interesting performance characteristics that might not be immediately obvious to beginners. One such characteristic is that code often runs faster when it’s inside a function. This behavior can be puzzling at first, but it becomes clear when we delve into the underlying mechanics of how Python executes code.

Here’s a detailed look at why Python code runs faster in a function, But Before that let’s have an over view of local and global Scope in Python:

Local vs. Global Scope

The primary reason for the speed difference is the way Python handles variable scopes. When Python code is executed, variables can be either in the global scope or the local scope. Accessing local variables is significantly faster than accessing global variables.

  • Local Scope: Variables defined within a function are local to that function. Python optimizes the access to local variables using an array-like structure which makes variable lookups quick and efficient.
  • Global Scope: Variables defined outside any function are global. Accessing global variables involves looking up the name in a dictionary, which is a slower process compared to array indexing.

Here’s a simple illustration:

import time

# Global variable
x = 10

def global_access():
    for _ in range(1000000):
        y = x  # Accessing global variable

def local_access():
    x = 10  # Local variable
    for _ in range(1000000):
        y = x  # Accessing local variable

# Timing global access
start_time = time.time()
print("Global access time:", time.time() - start_time)

# Timing local access
start_time = time.time()
print("Local access time:", time.time() - start_time)


Global access time: 0.10600686073303223
Local access time: 0.07827973365783691

In this example, local_access runs faster than global_access because accessing x is faster when it’s local.

Function Call Overheads and Optimizations

Although functions introduce a minor overhead due to the function call itself, Python’s interpreter can optimize the execution of code within functions more effectively. This is because the Python interpreter makes assumptions and applies certain optimizations based on the function scope, which are harder to apply in the global scope.

  • Inlining and Bytecode Optimizations: Python’s interpreter and Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers like PyPy can perform more effective inlining and bytecode optimizations within functions.
  • Reduced Overhead: Functions often result in tighter and more localized code, reducing the interpretive overhead for loops and other constructs.

Memory Management and Caching

Functions help in better memory management and caching mechanisms. When a function is called, Python manages the local scope more efficiently. The memory allocated for local variables is often managed on a stack, which is faster than the heap allocation used for global variables.

  • Stack vs Heap: Local variables are allocated on the stack, which is faster to allocate and deallocate compared to the heap, where global variables reside.
  • Cache Efficiency: Modern CPUs benefit from cache locality, and functions tend to have better cache locality because they use variables stored close together in memory.

Garbage Collection

Python uses a garbage collection mechanism to manage memory. Functions help in improving the efficiency of garbage collection.

  • Automatic Cleanup: Local variables within a function are automatically cleaned up when the function exits, reducing the burden on the garbage collector.
  • Reduced Scope Lifetime: By limiting the lifetime of variables to the function scope, there is less memory bloat and fewer long-lived objects that the garbage collector needs to track.

Reduced Name Lookup Time

When a function is executed, the Python interpreter knows that all names (variables) are either local or global. It first looks in the local namespace, which is typically small and allows for quicker name resolution.

  • Scope Limitation: Functions limit the scope of variable names, leading to faster name resolution as the interpreter searches a smaller namespace.
  • Efficient Lookup: Local namespaces use an array lookup rather than a dictionary lookup, which is significantly faster.


The speed difference between global and local variable access, bytecode optimization, instruction cache efficiency, and namespace management all contribute to why Python code runs faster in a function. Understanding these performance characteristics can help developers write more efficient Python code. By structuring code in functions, not only do we gain the benefits of better organization and readability, but we also tap into the performance optimizations that Python provides.

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