Why did Mahatma Gandhi Want to Teach Children Handicrafts?

Handicrafts are vital. People ought to work with their hands, should try to learn a craft, and also know how the operation of different things takes place. This would help and push their capacities for understanding and thus, Mahatma Gandhi wanted to teach the children about the handicrafts.

Teaching Children Handricraft


A Handicraft, some of the time all the more exactly communicated as distinctive handcraft or hand-tailored, is any of a wide assortment of sorts of work where helpful and beautiful items are made totally by one’s hand or by utilizing just basic, non-mechanized related instruments like scissors, cutting executes, or snares. These specialties can be generally partitioned into five fundamental sorts in view of their structure and reason: material, designing and decorative, paper, practical, and design makes. These incorporate any kind of art where you work with fabric, yarn, or surface plan. A few models are sewing, knitting, appliqué, winding around, and coloring.

Mahatma Gandhi and reasons to teach children Handicrafts

  • According to Gandhi, literacy which implies basically figuring out how to compose and peruse isn’t training.
  • Gandhi said literacy was not the start of training nor the finish of schooling.
  • According to Gandhi training ought to attract the best man and youngster, in soul, psyche, and body.
  • Gandhi was of the assessment that literacy in itself isn’t training.
  • Gandhi communicated that he would start instructing a kid by showing handiwork, empowering a youngster to deliver right from the second it starts its preparation.
  • Gandhi was of the view that a youngster ought to be shown wherefore and why of each and every interaction, handiworks must be educated experimentally and not simply precisely.
  • According to Gandhi, individuals needed to figure out how various things worked, how to become familiar with the art, and how to function with their hands, in training. This would build the ability to comprehend and foster their brain.
  • Mahatma Gandhi said Western instruction didn’t focus on pragmatic information or lived experience rather it gave significance to reading material. He said it didn’t zero in on oral information yet rather centered around composing and perusing.

Reasons for Mahatma Gandhi Promoted Handicrafts

Our endeavors at correcting the unevenness in our schooling system through engaging the capability of skilled to find a profound association with Gandhian standards of art-focused training. Anything we are making progress toward – advancing by doing, work coordinated learning, regard for manual abilities, confidence through feasible jobs, – ideas like these are profoundly imbued in Mahatma Gandhi’s accentuation of manual and useful work as necessary to fundamental training. We should take a gander at a portion of his critical considerations and thoughts that have tracked down a way in current undertakings to connect training with business and business ventures through expertise improvement.

Learning through Crafts

Mahatma Gandhi accentuated that handiwork ought to be educated “not only for creation turn out yet for creating acumen of the understudies.” And, this thought has been executed in schools as Socially Useful and Productive Work (SUPW) according to reports of milestone commissions and strategy. SUPW is for the most part seen as a side interest; it very well may be weaving, mud displaying, bamboo makes, calfskin work, earthenware, and numerous other sociocultural significant innovatively invigorating exercises that have a potential for empowering jobs. When associated with skilling and professional choices, SUPW can change the manner in which kids see manual work and affect their young personalities decidedly towards pride in work and work.

Advantages of art-focused instruction

Make focused training makes harmony among hypothesis and repetitive learning through innovative feeling and self-articulation. It helps in diminishing the separation between manual and scholarly abilities and beating biases through regard for socially significant work that addresses the issues of metropolitan and rustic Indians. It causes one to have a glad outlook on procuring a nice work through economical types of revenue and local area drives that outcome in helpful social orders and miniature ventures.

Being associated with Farm and Factory

Gandhiji’s idea of fundamental schooling included manual work as a way to make instruction comprehensive. He firmly put stock in a comprehensive educational plan, even in essential schooling that acquaints youngsters with work-insight through horticulture, winding around, carpentry, and a few different abilities. This would help in adjusting the peril of making schooling over-scholastic or academic and impact attitudes decidedly towards regard for work and poise of abilities and work. 

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FAQs on Mahatma Gandhi Teaching Handicrafts to Children

Q 1. Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children Handicrafts?


The reason for Mahatma Gandhi’s teaching children handicrafts is that he considered textbook learning to be incomplete and also merely any literacy. He believed more in practical skills and the involvement of hands such as that in handicrafts.

Q 2. What were the beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi on textbook education?


Mahatma Gandhi was of the view that textbook education referred to the involvement by reading as well as writing and was devoid of essential education like that involved of learning with practical skills.

Q 3. Why did Gandhiji gave so much emphasis on learning a useful handicraft?


Gandhiji emphasized on the usefulness of handicrafts as it enables children to produce from the moments he starts his training and comes in awareness about how things operate, gaining practical knowledge.

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