Why are the Wages for Farm Labourers in Palampur Less Than Minimum Wages?

Farming is the main production activity in Palampur and all over India. Over the years, many significant changes have occurred in farming. These have enabled the farmers to produce more crops from the same land. This is a considerable achievement since land is fixed and scarce. But much pressure has been put on the ground and other natural resources in raising production. 

Wages for Farm Labourers in Palampur are less than the minimum wages

Farming in Palampur

The new ways of farming needed less land but much more capital. The medium and large farmers can use their savings from production to arrange for money during the following season. On the other hand, small farmers need help to obtain money. Because of the lesser size of their plots, more than their production is required. The lack of surplus means they cannot receive money from their savings and have to borrow. Besides the debt, many small farmers must do extra work as farm labourers for their families. 

Labour being the most abundant and economic factor of production, it would be ideal if new ways of farming used much more labour. Sadly and unfortunately, such a thing hasn’t happened. The use of labour on farms is minimal. The labour, looking for work, is thus migrating to neighbouring villages, towns and cities. Some labour has left the farm sector in the village. At present, the non-farm sector in the city is small size. Only 24% of labours in India are engaged in non-farm activities. Though various non-farm activities exist in the villages, the number of people employed is relatively tiny. 

Wages for Farm Labourers in Palampur are less than the Minimum Wage

Wages for farm labourers in Palampur are less than minimum wages because of the following reasons:

  • Limited bargaining power: In Palampur, there are abundant people willing to work but not enough people needing their skills, which makes it hard for them to negotiate better pay. Farm workers have to settle for less than what’s right or the least they should get paid.
  • Low productivity: Farming stuff in Palampur is usually done with hand and essential tools, which sucks ’cause it doesn’t yield as much as fancy farming techniques. So, the farmers can’t give the workers more money ’cause they ain’t making enough profit.
  • Informal nature of work: A lot of the farming job in Palampur is more accessible, with workers getting paid in goods and other non-cash stuff (such as land for cultivation and food grains) like grains and a place to harvest. This can make it tough to keep track of how much everyone’s getting paid, which makes it hard to make sure everyone’s getting at least the minimum wage they’re supposed to.
  • Lack of government intervention: The government might not really be pushing for minimum wage laws or keeping a check on labour practices in farming, causing the farm workers to get lower wages.

In short, the individuals who work on farms in Palampur tend to get paid much below what they deserve, mainly because they can’t demand more, they are uneducated and unskilled, their jobs need to be more official, and the government needed to be active there.

FAQs On Labourers in Palampur

Q 1. Why is there an ample supply of farm labourers in Palampur, and how does it affect their wages?


Palampur has an overflow of farmers ’cause there ain’t enough other jobs around. Lots of people there ain’t had a chance to go to school or learn a trade, so they gotta work on the farms. But with all these workers around, it’s hard for them to ask for more money and they often end up getting paid less than the bare minimum.

Q 2. What are some of the reasons why agricultural activities in Palampur are often done manually, and how does this contribute to lower wages for farm labourers?


Farmers in Palampur usually work by hand because they don’t have access to modern farming tools. This can lead to them not getting paid as much. Plus, people think working on a farm doesn’t require any skill, so they might not get paid as well as people in other jobs.

Q 3. How does the informal nature of work in Palampur’s agricultural sector affect the payment of wages to farm labourers?


The laid-back vibe of working in the farming industry in Palampur can be a real struggle for the people who work hard. Because lots of them get paid with goods or other things worth money, there’s no clear way to see what everyone’s getting paid. That can lead to some working individuals earning less money than they should, plus no access to extra facilities like health insurance, and fair labour rights.

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