Who wrote the Egyptian Book of the Dead?

Answer: The Egyptian Book of the Dead was not written by a single author and it is a compilation of ancient Egyptian funerary texts created over centuries.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, also known as “The Book of Coming Forth by Day,” is not attributed to a single author but rather represents a compilation of ancient Egyptian funerary texts. These texts were created over a span of centuries, with contributions from various scribes, priests, and scholars.

Detailing its composition, the Book of the Dead consists of spells, prayers, and hymns intended to guide the deceased through the afterlife and protect them on their journey. These texts were typically inscribed on papyrus scrolls or written on the walls of tombs.


  • The Egyptian Book of the Dead is not attributed to a single author; it is a compilation of funerary texts.
  • Created over centuries by different scribes, priests, and scholars.
  • Comprises spells, prayers, and hymns aimed at guiding the deceased through the afterlife.
  • Represents a significant aspect of ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and practices surrounding death and the afterlife.

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