Who Invented Electricity?

Electricity is a fundamental part of our daily lives, but have you ever wondered who was behind this groundbreaking discovery? In this article, we are going to learn who is the inventor of electricity.

Who Invented Electricity?

Contrary to popular belief, electricity is a natural phenomenon and not an invention. However, the credit for discovering and understanding electricity goes to multiple scientists over centuries.

The most notable among them is Benjamin Franklin, whose famous kite experiment in 1752 demonstrated that lightning is electrical. Later, scientists like Michael Faraday and Thomas Edison made significant advancements in the practical use of electricity.

Faraday’s creation of the electric motor and Edison’s development of the light bulb were pivotal in bringing electricity into the public domain.

Electricity, as we know it today, is the result of cumulative discoveries by many brilliant minds. From Franklin’s initial experiments to Faraday’s and Edison’s innovations, the journey of electricity is a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity.

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