Who did the Indian National Congress wish to speak for?

Congress’s objectives as well as methods were “moderate” for the first twenty years. During this time, Indians demanded a stronger voice in government and administration. It was looking for the Legislative council to be made more representative, given greater power, and established in provinces where none formerly existed. It demanded that Indians be placed at high-level government positions.

Who did the Indian National Congress wish to speak for?

The Indian National Congress sought to speak for the benefit of all Indians. It represents all Indians, regardless of class, colour, caste, creed, language, or gender. It declared that India, its resources, and systems belonged to all Indians, regardless of class or community. According to a newspaper source, Badruddin Tyabji stated that the Congress is composed of delegates from all of India’s communities.

Many distinct communities were represented in the Indian National Congress. In December 1885, 72 delegates from throughout India gathered in Bombay to form the Indian National Congress. The early Congress leadership came mainly from Bombay and Calcutta.

Since 1880, educated Indians have felt the necessity for an all-India organization and this demand has grown as a result of the British’s racist attitudes towards the Ilbert Bill. Congress spent the first twenty years of its existence focusing on moderate methods and objectives. During this time, Congress focused on giving Indians a stronger voice in administration and government. Congress wanted the establishment of legislative councils in provinces as well as more authority and representation in legislative councils.

Congress desired that Civil Service Examinations be held in India in order to increase its representation in government. As the British held positions of responsibility and power in the administration, Congress demanded Indianisation as part of a struggle against racism in administration.

Congress asked for free expression, the repeal of the Arms Act, and the separation of the judiciary and the executive.

Congress highlighted issues such as poverty and food shortages caused by grain exports to Europe.

Congress looked for additional irrigation funding, a reduction in military expenditures, and a reduction in revenues.

Congress criticized the salt tax, spoke for better treatment of Indian labourers abroad and discussed the suffering of forest inhabitants as a result of regulations enacted by the British authority.

All of those reasons show that, despite being a gathering of highly educated individuals, Congress fought for the rights of all segments of society, not only those of businessmen, zamindars, and professional associations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1 : Who was the Indian National Congress’s founder ?

Answer : Allan Octavian Hume founded the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885. W.C. Bannerjee ruled over the first INC session, which took place in Bombay from December 28–31, 1885.

Question 2 : Who was the Indian National Congress’s First President?

Answer : On December 28, 1885, the Indian National Congress (INC) was established. One of the founding members of the Indian National Congress was the Indian lawyer Woomesh Chandra Bonnerjea. He also served as INC’s first president.

Question 3 : What was the Indian National Congress’ Primary Goal?

Answer : It aspired to increase the representation of educated Indians in government and to provide a forum for civic and political conversation between them and the British Raj.

Question 4 : Who gave the Indian National Congress its Present Name?

Answer : In 1885, A.O. Hume a retired civil official have founded the Indian National Congress. Its original name was the Indian Nation Union which was changed later with Dadabhai Naoroji’s suggestion.

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