Which characters are valid in CSS class names/selectors?

It is very easy to choose a valid class name or selectors in CSS just follow the rule. 

  • A valid name should start with an underscore (_), a hyphen (-) or a letter (a-z)/(A-Z) which is followed by any numbers, hyphens, underscores, letters.
  • It cannot start with a digit, starting with the digit is acceptable by HTML5 but not acceptable by CSS.
  • Two hyphens followed by a number is valid.

Example 1: This example describes the list of valid id selectors using CSS. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        Valid id Selectors
        #main {
            border:2px solid green;
        #1st {
        #_st {
        #-st {
        #st {
        #St {
        #--1 {
        #s {
        #_1 {
        #- {
        #-- {
        #_ {
        #__ {
    <div id="main">
        <div id="1st">Starting with digit w3wiki</div>
        <div id="_st">Starting with underscore</div>
        <div id="-st">Starting with hyphen</div>
        <div id="st">Starting with lower case alphabet</div>
        <div id="St">Starting with upper case alphabet</div>
        <div id="--1">Starting with double hyphen</div>
        <div id="s">only one alphabet</div>
        <div id="_1">underscore before digit</div>
        <div id="-">only hyphen</div>
        <div id="--">double hyphen</div>
        <div id="_">only underscore</div>
        <div id="__">double underscore</div>


Example 2: This example describes the list of valid class selectors using CSS. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        .main {
            border:2px solid green;
        .1st {
        ._st {
        .-st {
        .st {
        .St {
        .--1st {
        .s {
        ._1 {
        .- {
        .-- {
        ._ {
    <div class="main">
        <h1 style="color:green; text-align:center;">
        <div class="1st">Starting with digit </div>
        <div class="_st">Starting with underscore</div>
        <div class="-st">Starting with hyphen</div>
        <div class="st">Starting with lower case alphabet</div>
        <div class="St">Starting with upper case alphabet</div>
        <div class="--1st">Starting with double hyphen</div>
        <div class="s">only one alphabet</div>
        <div class="_1">underscore before digit</div>
        <div class="-">only hyphen</div>
        <div class="--">double hyphen</div>
        <div class="_">only underscore</div>
        <div class="__">double underscore</div>


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