Where is Victoria Falls?

Victoria Falls is a waterfall linking Zimbabwe and the Zambia River in South Africa. It is counted under the list of the world’s largest waterfalls with a width of around 5604 feet. David Livingstone, a European man, discovered the beautiful Victoria fall in 1855. The island near Victoria’s fall is named after him, “Livingstone Island”, as an honor. ‘Mosi-oa-Tunya’, or ‘The Smoke That Thunders‘ are other names for Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. It is counted in the Seven Wonders of the World. It’s one of the major waterfalls in Africa

Let’s read about Victoria Falls facts, how was Victoria Falls formed, Victoria falls history, and other relevant information:

Origin, formation, and size of Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

David Livingstone was the first Scottish missionary explorer and European who encountered the beauty of Victoria Falls on November 16, 1855. The waterfall falls directly from the shore of Zimbabwe. Livingstone named it after Queen Victoria. It is also popularly known as ‘The Smoke that Thunders’. Both the names are recognized on the World Heritage List. The Victoria fall is counted as the largest waterfall, with 354 feet in height and 5604 feet in combined width. 

It is the world’s largest sheet falling, and it is double the height of Niagara Falls, situated in North America. Cataract and Bhoruka Island are two islands on the west and east side, and in between, Livingstone Island is situated off the waterfall. The crest becomes wider in the rainy season (late November to early April), which magnifies the beauty of Victoria Falls. Do you know how was victoria falls formed? A dark volcanic rock called basalt is the bedrock of Victoria Falls. The rock beneath the waterfall is over 150 plus million years old and formed due to a drastic eruption. The sequence of sedimentary rocks lying over the Zambezi river is concerned with the Victoria Falls formation.

Top Surprising facts about Victoria Falls:

Here are the most interesting and surprising facts about Victoria Falls:

  • Zambezi River is the reason behind the existence of Victoria Falls. It is 2574km long and defines the path for the river and allows it to flow towards the Indian Ocean.
  • Devil’s pool is popular and formed due to Victoria Falls Zimbabwe, for swimmers. The waterfall flow slows down around September to December as the water level changes in the Zambezi River.
  • On the Zimbabwe side of the falls, a rainforest is home to unique species of flora and fauna. The rain never stops in that place the whole year, which results in a breath-taking rainbow view.
  • It is the largest waterfall in the wet season, as close to 500 million liters of water drop through the waterfall every minute. It is over 100 meters deep.
  • The most remarkable fact is that the night rainbow, also called MOONBOW, is seen around the waterfall. It seems like the colors are spraying out from the moon and falling on shining water.


The above article shares information like origin, size, and Victoria Falls history, along with how was Victoria Falls formed. The Zambezi River is the origin of the waterfall and is home to various plants and animals. The Victoria Falls facts will educate you about its beauty. The magnifying glory of the waterfall attracts travelers across the world and has been the largest tourist attraction for years!

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