When does a social difference become a social division?

The social division happens when some friendly contrast covers with different contrasts. Circumstances of this sort produce social divisions when one sort of friendly distinction turns out to be a higher priority than the other and individuals begin feeling that they have a place with various networks. The distinctions that transform into social divisions are called covering contrasts. Covering social contrasts make prospects of profound social divisions and strains. Cross-cutting social contrasts don’t ordinarily prompt struggles.

The three factors that decide the results of legislative issues of social divisions:

  1. The result really relies on how individuals see their personalities. Assuming that individuals see their characters in solitary and elite terms, it turns out to be truly challenging to oblige.
  2. It really relies on how political pioneers raise the requests of any local area. It is simpler to oblige requests that are inside the established structure and are not at the expense of another local area.
  3. It relies heavily on how the public authority responds to the requests of various gatherings.

A vote based system includes contest among different ideological groups. Their opposition will in general separation any general public. On the off chance that they begin contending as far as a few existing social divisions, it can make social divisions into political divisions and lead to struggle, viciousness or even breaking down of a country. This has occurred in numerous nations:

In North Ireland 

 It has confronted vicious and severe ethno political struggle. Two significant groups of Christianity – Protestants (53%) and Roman Catholics(44 percent) are addressed in the country. The Catholics were addressed by Nationalist gatherings who requested that Northern Ireland be brought together with the Republic of Ireland, a prevalently Catholic country. The Protestants were addressed by Unionists who needed to stay with the UK, which is overwhelmingly protestant. The battle among Nationalist and Unionist prompted social contentions where many regular folks passed on.

In Yugoslavia 

Political rivalry along strict and ethnic lines prompted the deterioration of Yugoslavia into six autonomous nations.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What types of social divisions exist in our society?


The types of social divisions are generation, gender, sexuality, race and class.

Question 2: What are the consequences of social divisions?


 Divisions may be a sign of inequality, constraint people’s freedom, put pressure on societal cohesion, distrust and conflict.

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