WhatWeb – Open Source Web Scanner

Whatweb is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. Whatweb is a scanner written in the Ruby language. This tool can identify and recognize all the web technologies available on the target website. This tool can identify technologies used by websites such as blogging, content management system, all JavaScript libraries. Whatweb contains more than 180 modules. each module is responsible for grabbing particular information from the target website.  Whatweb works as an information-gathering tool and can identify all the email addresses, SQL errors, technology used in the website.


Step 1: Open your kali Linux operating system and use the following command to install the tool from GitHub.

cd Desktop
git clone https://github.com/urbanadventurer/WhatWeb/

Step 2: Now use the following command to move into the directory of the tool.

cd Whatweb

Step 3: Now you are in the directory of the tool. Use the following command to run the tool.


The tool is running successfully. Now we will see examples to use the tool.


Example 1: Use the Whatweb tool to scan a domain.

./whatweb <domain>

Example 2: Use the Whatweb tool to scan a domain.

./whatweb <domain>

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