What To Do When You Don’t Want To Do Anything?

There are days or hours when you don’t want to do anything despite realizing that you will have to finish the work as soon as possible. Not because you are lazy, but because you are not able to collect yourself to get back to finishing the work you have to do. It’s a situation where you know how crucial your time is and want to push your limits, but you just can’t do it. Undoubtedly, such a situation makes you wonder, “Is something wrong with me?”

Let’s make it clear that there’s nothing wrong with you. And absolutely, you are not alone in this. Almost everyone experiences this feeling of ‘Not willing to do anything at some point. When you are going through such a feeling, you start to regret wasting your time, opportunity, and yet not completing your simple tasks and no matter how hard you try, it’s just not possible for you to move and work.

There can be various reasons for the issue that are usually temporary. But if you notice a pattern where such a situation occurs frequently, you must take it seriously. However, if your issue is a matter of a moment, then the following are the tips about What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do Anything?

1. Assess the Origin

You have been rocking throughout your academic or professional career, but did you also take time for yourself to pamper yourself and calm down your nerves? Maybe, you have set your break-time after achieving a certain goal, but is that it to fulfill your dreams? If you want to understand the problem, you need to find out its origin first.

Perhaps, you haven’t slept well or maybe you haven’t taken enough time for yourself. There might be several reasons that you should assess your moment of “Don’t want to do anything“. This is the call and the language of your body to ask yourself to ‘Relax’ if you are overworked and tired and you should follow what your brain is trying to tell you.

In some cases, there can be some past experience that may bother you. You must take those signals seriously, get the help of an expert. All, you have to do is, note down your problems, the timeline that how long have you been experiencing this, and also how frequent the feeling is? And please, no ‘Overthinking‘.

So, take a moment, calm down, and listen to signs your brain is trying to give you!

2. Let’s Not be Harsh on Yourself!

The most common practice while not being ‘Productive as per expectations’ is that we start blaming ourselves for not being efficient enough and want to kill ourselves with the peak of harshness that is filled inside us during such a moment.

Stop! Don’t do that to yourself. Let’s focus on the positive aspects of your personality.

You are not going to win the situation while being so rough on yourself. Because, the work that happiness can make you do with passion, nothing else has the same power to bring that quality. Now, you have to console yourself and accept that there is a problem that requires a solution and enough time to heal as well.

Enough of cursing, your abilities. It’s time that you become your caretaker and take the charge of keeping this person inside you happy by showing compassion. Give a big round of applause to yourself for the wonders you have done till now and are going to do in the future as well. Appreciate the personality you have that wants to achieve the goal it has set for itself.

3. Find Out How You Feel Better and Motivated

When was the last time you had your type of coffee, tea, or pasta? Which was the song that no matter how old it gets, it is your jewel that will always remain fresh for your heart? Or when did you take your painting brush in your hands and embraced the canvas with the colors of your art?

Our mood is mostly in our hands as it’s decided by our actions. So, if you want to get back on track soon, you surely need to find out that comfort activity that makes you feel lighter and brings a charming smile to your face. That can be cleaning your favorite place in the house, cooking, reading, or working out to stay fit.

Now, stop wasting your time and get yourself ready for the super amazing work that you must be doing right now.

4. Start With Small Steps

The most important aspect of getting success and staying stress-free is ‘Time Management‘. Those who master the art of managing their time, stay organized. So, you have to make a list of work that you are left with and the chores are not letting you finish your current work. It will reduce half of your tension if that is anyway linked with your life being messy.

Also, You must remember that while organizing and planning your further steps, you again don’t mess them up with making it near to impossible to be done. So, relax and take out the pen and paper, note down the tasks, and arrange them in an order that will be easier for you to carry out.

Begin with smaller, easier and important tasks and take them to the bigger, tough, and ones that may wait to be tackled. But hey! Not again please, this time you have to decide the tentative deadline to not keep them on the head all the time.

5. Take the Help of a Counselor

This is the crucial time when you have to realize that you need the help of a counselor. As mentioned earlier, if you notice that your condition gets renewed frequently and it has a link with a trauma that you have faced earlier, you have to understand that the problem has now to be tackled by an expert.

With no worry or any hesitation, you can reach out to any friend for help if you have any doubts in order to open up about your problem and seek their support. Rest, you are always a step in order to get the medical service

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