What is Wearable Technology

Wearable Electronics are one of the biggest innovations in the field of technology. Devices that can be comfortably worn on a body come under this category. These devices have a feature of tracing information on a real-time basis. They can be synced with your mobile or laptop giving the snapshot of the entire day with the help of motion sensors fitted on them. Even before these devices were made available in the commercial market, they were being used in the medical sector and military operations. There is a variety of wearable devices present in the market today.

  • Fitness Tracker: A life-saver device for the fitness freaks, it helps in keeping track of the number of steps a user walks every day along with the heart rate. It also calculates the data on the amount of calory burn a user has done.
  • Smart Watches: These watches give all kinds of notifications like calls, messages, emails, social media updates etc to the user along with telling the time.
  • Smart Jewellery: Designed especially for women, these pieces of jewellery give all kinds of notifications even when their phone is out of their reach.
  • Implantables: These devices are surgically implanted in the body for serving purposes like tracking insulin levels, etc.
  • Head Mounted Display: These kinds of devices take you to a completely different world of virtual reality by showing you virtual visuals directly in front of your eyes.

Key challenges of Wearables: The biggest problem with these devices is its maintenance. Getting a sustainable customer engagement becomes really difficult as most of these electronics are short-lived. Be it bad quality, high prices, poor battery life or discomforts while wearing, some of these devices often fail to serve a customer in the long run.   Scope of Wearable technology: These IOT (Internet of Things) driven devices are set to bring a lot of changes in the coming future such as the following:

  • It is definitely going to benefit the medical sector providing it with innovative techniques used in medical surgeries, transplants etc.
  • The industries are going to be benefitted as these compact investments would ensure more productivity and more efficiency.
  • It has a huge scope for mobile app developers as the miniature cameras fitted in these devices can be controlled by a mobile app. Hence, smartphones would especially be created for controlling various wearable devices as such devices have embedded software that makes them controllable by the commands from the smartphone.
  • Hi-tech clothes are going to be the next big invention providing the clothes that create and harvest their own energies. This would make the clothes as renewable energy generators.
  • Another exciting invention would be wearable drones that would make it possible to stay protected against the air pollution provided that these drones are weather shielding.

Hence, these technologies give rise to a fascinating field of study making it possible to believe that computing has become really small that now comes very handy. They are very rapidly being moved from a niche to mainstream.

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