What is Vyper?

Vyper is a contract-oriented programming language that is designed to write smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain. It was created by Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, and was first introduced in 2017.

What is Vyper?

Vyper is a contract-oriented programming language that was created specifically for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain platform. It is a high-level language that is similar in syntax to Python, but with some key differences. 

  • Vyper is designed to be simple, secure, high-performing, and auditable, which makes it a popular choice for developers who want to write smart contracts that are easy to understand, deploy, and audit.
  • Bytecode for Vyper contracts is created during compilation and can be run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). 
  • This enables programmers to create and implement Ethereum blockchain-based smart contracts, which offer a safe and decentralized method of storing and transferring data and assets.

Overall, Vyper is a valuable tool for developers who want to build decentralized applications and write smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. Its simple syntax, security features, and performance make it an attractive option for developers who want to create robust, secure, and efficient smart contracts.

Why Vyper is Created?

Vyper was created to address some of the security and performance issues that were found in other smart contract programming languages, like Solidity. 

  • The creators of Vyper wanted to create a language that would be simple, secure, high-performing, and auditable, making it a good choice for developers who want to write smart contracts that are easy to understand, deploy, and audit.
  • The creators of Vyper also aim to address some of the security concerns that have been raised about other smart contract programming languages. 
  • Vyper was designed with security in mind, and it includes features and limitations that help to prevent common security vulnerabilities and errors.

Overall, Vyper was created as an alternative to other smart contract programming languages, with the goal of providing a simple, secure, and high-performing way to write smart contracts on the Ethereum-based platform.

How does Vyper Work?

  • Vyper works by allowing developers to write smart contracts in a contract-oriented programming language that is specifically designed for the Ethereum platform. The terms and conditions that are embedded within Vyper’s smart contracts are automatically enforced by the self-executing nature of the contracts.
  • A Vyper smart contract is converted into bytecode, the machine-readable low-level code that the Ethereum Virtual Machine executes when it is formed (EVM). The bytecode is subsequently made available to network nodes on the Ethereum blockchain for execution.
  • Once implemented, the smart contract can accept and manage transactions, store data on the Ethereum blockchain, and interact with other smart contracts. The smart contract can automatically carry out the instructions it contains to enforce the terms and conditions when an event, such as the receipt of a transaction,, activates the code.
  • A secure and effective language for creating smart contracts, Vyper is developed for this purpose. It is well-organized for developing secure, effective, and transparent smart contracts thanks to its clear syntax, security features, and speed improvements.

Steps to Writing Contract in Vyper

1. Install Python

Vyper is written in Python, so the first step is to make sure you have a recent version of Python installed on your computer. You can download Python from the official Python website – python.org.

2. Install pip

pip is the package manager for Python, and is used to install Vyper. You can install pip by following the instructions on the official pip website – https://pypi.org/project/pip/.

3. Install Vyper

Once you have Python and pip installed on your computer, you can install Vyper by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install vyper

4. Verify installation

After these steps, we can verify that Vyper is installed by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

vyper –version

This should display the version of Vyper that is installed on your system.


If Linux-based system is being used, then use sudo to install Vyper, this will depend on the system configuration. 

5. Implementation

Here’s a simple example of a Vyper contract that implements a simple implementation :

Step 1: Create a folder, vyper_contract, and a file, Sundaram.vy, inside this folder.

# @version 0.2

owner: public(address)

name: public(String[100])

# __init__ is not called when deployed from create_forwarder_to


def __init__():

  self.owner = msg.sender

  self.name = “Foo bar”

# call once after create_forwarder_to


def setup(_name: String[100]):

  assert self.owner == ZERO_ADDRESS, “owner != zero address”

  self.owner = msg.sender

  self.name = _name

# DANGER: never have selfdestruct in original contract used by create_forwarder_to


def kill():


Here is the implementation of the Vyper code in Remix IDE:


Step 2: Compile the code after Activating Vyper Compiler from the plug-in option.


After the Compilation of the code, We will get the ABI code :


Step 3: Connect to the MetaMask for the Deployment of the code. Add the MetaMask extension from your chrome browser and connect to the Remix IDE.


Step 4: Now we have injected the MetaMask into the code, and deployed the contract. After the Deployment, we will get this output:


When this contract is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, anyone can call the ‘Kill’ function to print the name function.

Features of Vyper Language

Vyper is a contract-oriented programming language that is designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain platform. Here are some of the key features of the Vyper language:

  • Simple Syntax: Vyper is a simple syntax that is similar to Python, making it easy for developers to learn and use.
  • Security-Focused: Vyper was designed with security in mind and it includes features and limitations that help prevent common security vulnerabilities and exploits.
  • High Performance: Vyper is optimized for performance, making it a good choice for developers who want to write fast and efficient smart contracts.
  • Auditable: Vyper’s code is easier to audit than other smart contract programming languages, making it a good choice for developers who want to create secure and transparent contracts for development.
  • Limited Feature Set: Vyper has a limited feature set compared to other smart contract programming languages, which helps to simplify the language and reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities in the code.
  • Contract-Oriented: Vyper is a contract-oriented programming language, which means that it was specifically designed for writing smart contracts.
  • Compiled to Bytecode: Vyper contracts are compiled into bytecode, which can be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Excluded Features of Vyper Language

Vyper is a high-level programming language designed specifically for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. As a result, it has been simplified and optimized for security, and some elements that are frequently found in other programming languages have been left out to lower the possibility of errors and vulnerabilities. The following are some of the main features that Vyper does not include:

  • Function Overloading: Vyper does not support function overloading, which means that you cannot define multiple functions with the same name but different parameters. This is because overloading can make code more complex and harder to reason about, and can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Recursive Functions: Vyper does not support recursive functions, which are functions that call themselves. This is because recursive functions can be hard to analyze and can potentially cause stack overflow errors.
  • Inheritance: Vyper does not support inheritance, which is a mechanism for creating new classes by deriving them from existing classes. Inheritance can make code more complex and harder to reason about, and can also introduce security vulnerabilities.
  • Operator Overloading: Vyper does not support operator overloading, which is a feature that allows operators to have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. Operator overloading can make code more complex and harder to reason about, and can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Floating-Point Numbers: Vyper does not support floating-point numbers, which are numbers with decimal points. This is because floating-point arithmetic can be imprecise and can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Vyper vs Solidity

Below are the difference between Vyper and Solidity:

Parameters Vyper Solidity
Language Design Simple, security-focused, minimalist. Feature-rich, syntax similar to JavaScript.
Performance Faster, more efficient. Slower.
Security Designed with security in mind, stack-only arithmetic, no loops, and no inheritance. More prone to security vulnerabilities.
Community Smaller, less active. Larger, more active.



Simple, limited feature set. Advanced, more feature-rich.
Contract Interaction Limited Advanced, ability to call and send transactions to other contracts.
Development Speed Faster development time due to simpler syntax. Slower development time due to more advanced features.
Compilation Time Faster compilation time due to simpler syntax. Slower compilation time due to more complex features.
Error Detection Early error detection due to simpler syntax. Late error detection due to more complex features.
Contract Size Smaller contract size due to limited feature set. Larger contract size due to more complex features.
Contract Readability Vyper is easy to read and understand due to its simple syntax. Solidity is more difficult to read and understand due to more complex features.

Use Case of Vyper

Vyper is a contract-oriented programming language that is specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain platform. Here are some common use cases for Vyper:

  • Decentralized Applications (dApps): Vyper can be used to write smart contracts that serve as the building blocks for decentralized applications (dApps). These contracts can be used to store and transfer data and assets in a secure and decentralized manner..
  • Token Contracts: Vyper can be used to write smart contracts that implement token contracts, such as ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens. These contracts can be used to create and manage custom tokens that are built on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Voting Systems: Decentralized voting systems can be implemented using smart contracts created using Vyper. Voting for product enhancements or governance recommendations can be managed using these contracts in a secure and open manner.
  • Supply Chain Management: Vyper can be used to write smart contracts that manage supply chain processes, such as tracking the origin and journey of goods through the supply chain.
  • Gaming: Vyper can be used to write smart contracts that implement decentralized gaming platforms and applications, such as blockchain-based games and gambling platforms.

Advantages of Vyper

  • Security: Vyper was designed with security in mind, and includes features and limitations that help prevent common security vulnerabilities and exploits. That makes it a good choice for developers who want to create secure and reliable smart contracts.
  • Simplicity: Vyper is simple to learn and use for developers thanks to its syntax, which is comparable to Python. This lessens the possibility of bugs and security holes in the code.
  • Performance: Vyper is optimized for performance,, which makes it a good choice for developers who want to write fast and efficient smart contracts.
  • Auditability: Developers that wish to establish safe and open contracts should consider Vyper since its code is simpler to audit than that of other smart contract programming languages.
  • Contract-Oriented: Vyper was created primarily for creating smart contracts because it is a contract-oriented programming language. For developers looking to create decentralized applications and smart contracts, it is a well-organized option.

Limitations of Vyper

  • Limited Feature Set: Vyper is less versatile for some use cases since it has fewer features than other smart contract programming languages.
  • Immature: Vyper is a relatively new programming language, hence it might not have as many resources, tools, or community support as other known programming languages for smart contracts.
  • Lack of Libraries: In comparison to other smart contract programming languages,, Vyper has a smaller selection of libraries, which can make it more challenging to create intricate decentralized applications.
  • No Support for Inheritance: Inheritance is a crucial component of many other smart contract programming languages, but Vyper does not support it. As we know complex smart contracts may become more challenging to manage and reuse as a result.

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