What is VPS (Visual Positioning System)?

Visual Positioning System (VPS) is a technology that uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to determine the location and orientation of a device or vehicle in the physical world. It works by comparing the images captured by the device’s camera with a database of pre-mapped images and using machine learning techniques to estimate the device’s position and orientation based on the similarities and differences between the captured images and the pre-mapped images.

What is VPS?

Visual Positioning System (VPS) is a new generation of GPS systems that use satellite signals to pinpoint the receiver’s location on Earth. VPS can be used for various applications, including indoor and outdoor navigation, augmented reality, and autonomous vehicle localization. It is beneficial in situations where GPS signals are weak or unavailable, such as indoors or in urban canyons.

  • VPS can be used with other positioning technologies, such as GPS, to provide a more accurate and reliable estimate of the device’s position and orientation. 
  • It can also be used as a standalone technology in cases where GPS signals are not needed or unavailable.
  • It uses phone cameras and Google’s extensive back-end data to analyze the surroundings to identify the location with great accuracy.
  • It uses signals from several satellites thus helping to overcome inaccuracies.
  • It is more accurate in urban areas where GPS signals can be blocked by large objects.

How Does VPS Work?

Visual Positioning System (VPS) is a technology that uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to determine the location and orientation of a device or vehicle in the physical world. It works by comparing the images captured by the device’s camera with a database of pre-mapped images and using machine learning techniques to estimate the device’s position and orientation based on the similarities and differences between the captured images and the pre-mapped images.

Here is a general overview of how VPS works:

  • The device captures images of the surrounding environment using its camera.
  • These images are compared to a database of pre-mapped images using machine learning algorithms.
  • The VPS system determines the device’s location and orientation by analyzing the similarities and differences between the captured images and the pre-mapped images.
  • The device’s position and orientation are then used to provide location-based services, such as indoor or outdoor navigation, augmented reality, or autonomous vehicle localization.

VPS can be used in combination with other positioning technologies, such as GPS, to provide a more accurate and reliable estimate of the device’s position and orientation. It can also be used as a standalone technology in cases where GPS signals are not needed or not available.

Indoor VPS

Indoor Visual Positioning System (VPS) is a technology that uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to determine the location and orientation of a device or vehicle within an indoor environment. It is similar to traditional GPS but is designed to work in environments where satellite signals are not available or are less accurate, such as within buildings or urban canyons.

Indoor VPS has a wide range of potential applications, including:

  • Navigation: Indoor VPS can be used to guide users to their destination within a building, such as a shopping mall or airport. It can provide precise location information and directions and can be used to enhance the accuracy and reliability of location-based services such as ride-hailing and delivery.
  • Asset Tracking: Indoor VPS can be used to track the movement of people or assets within a facility, such as a warehouse or a hospital, to improve efficiency and productivity. It can also enhance security and safety by providing real-time location information for emergency responders or other personnel.
  • Robotics: Indoor VPS can enable robots to navigate and interact with their surroundings in a more natural and intuitive way, improving the precision and accuracy of robotic tasks.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality: Indoor VPS can be used to create immersive and interactive training experiences for a variety of industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and the military. It can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of training by providing a realistic and interactive learning environment.
  • Industrial Automation: Indoor VPS can enable precise positioning and orientation of industrial equipment, such as robotic arms and conveyor belts, to improve efficiency and productivity. It can also enhance the safety and reliability of industrial processes by providing real-time location and orientation information.


Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system that uses signals from a network of orbiting satellites to determine the location and time of a receiver on or near the Earth’s surface. GPS is widely used for a variety of applications, including navigation, tracking, surveying, and scientific research.

Visual Positioning System (VPS) is a technology that uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to determine the location and orientation of a device or vehicle in the physical world. It works by comparing the images captured by the device’s camera with a database of pre-mapped images and using machine learning techniques to estimate the device’s position and orientation based on the similarities and differences between the captured images and the pre-mapped images. VPS can be used for various applications, including indoor and outdoor navigation, augmented reality, and autonomous vehicle localization.

There are several key differences between GPS and VPS:

Features GPS(Global Positioning System) Visual Positioning System (VPS)
Data source   GPS relies on signals from a network of orbiting satellites VPS uses images captured by the device’s camera.
Accuracy GPS is generally more accurate than VPS, especially in outdoor environments where it has a clear view of the sky VPS is more suitable for indoor or urban environments where GPS signals may be weak or unavailable.
Availability GPS is available virtually everywhere on or near the Earth’s surface, VPS is only available in areas with a sufficient number of pre-mapped images available for comparison.
Cost GPS receivers are generally less expensive than VPS systems VPS systems require more specialized hardware and software. So, it is more Expensive
Applications GPS is primarily used for navigation and tracking VPS can be used for a wider range of applications, including indoor and outdoor navigation, augmented reality, and autonomous vehicle localization.

VPS Google

Google is a leading technology company that is involved in a variety of projects related to Visual Positioning System (VPS) technology. Some of the ways in which Google is using or developing VPS include:

  • Google Maps: As mentioned in a previous response, Google is using VPS technology to enhance the accuracy and reliability of its popular mapping and navigation service, Google Maps. This includes features such as indoor navigation and AR mode.
  • Project Tango: Project Tango was a research project developed by Google that used VPS technology to enable mobile devices to understand their location and orientation in the physical world. The project was discontinued in 2017, but the technology developed as part of the project has been incorporated into other Google products and services.
  • ARCore: ARCore is a software development kit (SDK) developed by Google that enables developers to create AR applications for Android devices. ARCore uses VPS technology to enable AR applications to accurately determine the location and orientation of the device in the physical world.
  • Google Earth: Google Earth is a mapping and exploration service that allows users to view detailed images of the Earth’s surface and explore locations around the world. Google is using VPS technology to enhance the accuracy and precision of Google Earth, allowing users to see more detailed and up-to-date images of their surroundings.

Google Maps VPS

Google Maps is a popular mapping and navigation service that is used by millions of people around the world to get directions and find places. In recent years, Google has been working to incorporate Visual Positioning System (VPS) technology into Google Maps in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of its location-based services.

Some of the ways that Google is using VPS in Google Maps include:

  • Indoor Navigation: Google has developed a VPS-based indoor navigation system that can be used to guide users to their destination within a building, such as a shopping mall or airport. This feature is currently available in selected locations around the world.
  • Street View: Google Street View is a feature of Google Maps that allows users to view detailed images of streets and neighborhoods around the world. Google is using VPS technology to enhance the accuracy and precision of Street View, allowing users to see more detailed and up-to-date images of their surroundings.
  • Augmented Reality: Google is also using VPS technology to develop an AR mode for Google Maps that can be used to display AR content (such as information about nearby points of interest or virtual objects) on top of the live camera feed. This feature is currently in beta testing.

Use Cases of VPS

Visual Positioning System (VPS) is a technology that utilizes computer vision and machine learning algorithms to pinpoint the location and orientation of a device or vehicle in the real world. It is a highly accurate and reliable way to locate and orient objects and people within an environment and has a wide range of potential applications., including:

1. Navigation

  • Indoor and outdoor navigation for individuals and vehicles, providing precise location information and directions to their destination.
  • Enhancing the accuracy and reliability of location-based services such as ride-hailing and delivery.

2. Augmented Reality

  • Displaying AR content (such as information about nearby points of interest or virtual objects) on top of the live camera feed, enhancing the user’s perception of the physical world.
  • Enabling new forms of advertising and marketing that are location-based and personalized to the user.

3. Asset Tracking

  • Tracking the movement of people or assets within a facility, such as a warehouse or a hospital, to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Enhancing security and safety by providing real-time location information for emergency responders or other personnel.

3. Autonomous Vehicle Localization

Enabling self-driving vehicles to accurately determine their position and orientation in the physical world, improving safety, and enabling the development of new transportation services.

4. Robotics

  • Enabling robots to navigate and interact with their surroundings in a more natural and intuitive way.
  • Improving the precision and accuracy of robotic tasks by providing real-time location and orientation information.

5. Gaming

  • Creating immersive and interactive gaming experiences by using the player’s location and orientation as input.
  • Enabling location-based gaming and augmented reality games.

6. Surveying and Mapping

  • Quickly and accurately surveying and mapping indoor and outdoor environments.
  • Enhancing the accuracy and precision of geographic information systems (GIS) and other location-based services.

7. Industrial Automation

  • Enabling precise positioning and orientation of industrial equipment, such as robotic arms and conveyor belts, to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Enhancing the safety and reliability of industrial processes by providing real-time location and orientation information.

8. Virtual and Augmented Reality Training

  • Creating immersive and interactive training experiences for a variety of industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and the military.
  • Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of training by providing a realistic and interactive learning environment.

Challenges of VPS

While VPS has many potential applications, it also has a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order for it to be effectively used in real-world scenarios. Some of the main challenges of VPS include:

  • Mapping and pre-processing: In order to use VPS, the environment must first be pre-mapped using specialized equipment and algorithms. This can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, especially for large or complex environments.
  • Accuracy: While VPS can provide highly accurate location and orientation information in some cases, it is generally less accurate than other positioning technologies such as GPS, especially in outdoor environments where it has a clear view of the sky.
  • Availability: VPS is only available in areas where there is a sufficient number of pre-mapped images available for comparison. It is not generally available in areas that have not been pre-mapped or where the physical environment has changed significantly since the images were captured.
  • Privacy: VPS relies on the capture and analysis of images of the surrounding environment, which may raise concerns about privacy and data security.
  • Cost: VPS systems generally require more specialized hardware and software than other positioning technologies, which can make them more expensive to implement and maintain.
  • Interoperability: VPS systems may not be compatible with other positioning technologies, which can limit their use in certain scenarios.
  • Robustness: VPS systems may be susceptible to errors or disruptions caused by factors such as lighting conditions, occlusions, and changes in the physical environment.

Benefits of VPS in Business

It has a number of potential benefits for businesses, including:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: VPS can be used to streamline and automate a wide range of business processes, such as indoor and outdoor navigation, asset tracking, and industrial automation.
  • Enhanced customer experience: VPS can be used to provide personalized and location-based services to customers, such as augmented reality shopping or location-based advertising.
  • Reduced costs: VPS can help businesses reduce costs by automating tasks, improving asset utilization, and reducing the need for manual labor.
  • Improved safety and security: VPS can be used to improve safety and security in a variety of settings, such as by providing real-time location information to emergency responders or by enabling self-driving vehicles to navigate safely.
  • Enhanced decision-making: VPS can provide businesses with real-time location and orientation data that can be used to inform decision-making and improve business operations.
  • Competitive advantage: Businesses that use VPS may be able to differentiate themselves from competitors and gain a competitive advantage by offering innovative and advanced location-based services to customers.
  • New business opportunities: VPS can enable businesses to develop and offer new products and services that rely on precise location and orientation information, such as augmented reality gaming or virtual reality training.

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