What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in short VDI refers to the use of virtual servers to supply and manage virtual desktops. VDI centralizes operating systems and makes them accessible to end users on command. VDI is a desktop virtual server that runs and controls a desktop environment, often Microsoft Windows, inside a data center.

Working of VDI:

A hypervisor in VDI divides servers into virtual machines, which host virtual desktops that users access virtually from their devices. Users can connect to these desktop systems from just about any device or location, as well as all activity takes place on the host server.

VDI’s goal is to perform and transmit user desktop experiences from centralized infrastructure at one or more data centers, which can be on-premises or in the cloud.

Features of VDI:

  • Enhanced User Experience: It can be difficult to persuade traditional PC users to embrace a virtual desktop environment with all its VDI benefits, but once they do, they quickly adapt. Except for a few logon differences, front end desktop virtualization feels and looks just like a regular desktop experience.
  • Additional security and backup: As previously stated, data is entirely centralized. It is more secure because it is stored in one place. 
  • Saving Resources: To clarify, the resource advantages of VDI in a virtual environment imply that IT workers no longer need to actually be on site at work stations to maintain and/or repair PCs. This not only liberates valuable resources such as IT personnel, but also liberates time and boosts efficiency.

How to Use VDI:

Organizations planning to install desktop virtualization infrastructure should evaluate the user’s and the company’s needs, as well as the user experience when using VDI. Because VDI performance is dependent on the server rather than local computing power, factors such as availability are crucial.

You must monitor server performance concerns in addition to reviewing your users’ VDI requirements. Monitoring tools provide critical insights into the workloads, depletion of resources, and peak loads of a server.


Using virtual desktop infrastructure has several significant benefits.

  • Remote Accessible: With the rapid growth of working remotely in recent days, it is vital to implement a system that can allow work from anywhere, at any time. VDI systems enable enterprises to create a seamless and highly secure workplace for employees, regardless of origin or device, while also providing robust security, improved performance, and increased scalability.
  • Enhanced Security: One of the most significant benefits of VDI is its high level of security. Organizations are now digitally spread and rapidly expanding across numerous platforms and devices. A single cyberattack might endanger thousands of users, causing millions of dollars in losses and reputation damage. VDI security helps safeguard your IT infrastructures by storing data in a centralized system rather than on end-user devices. That’s why VDI comes with more secure environment.
  • Savings in the Long Term: By putting more workers on fewer servers, virtualization technologies help to maximize hardware investments. VDI does not necessitate a substantial investment in edge devices, so you can extend the life of existing equipment. Furthermore, VDI provides long-term benefits that outweigh any initial deployment costs.


VDI is not the ideal solution for every company. You must be aware of the possible disadvantages listed below:

  • VDI necessitates the use of highly skilled IT personnel: If you run a small business, you might decide to use a DaaS (Data as a Service) alternative or a cloud-based VDI instead of setting up the physical VDI server. Otherwise, a specialized IT team person will be needed to maintain the servers, install software, and so on.
  • High initial investment: Investments in VDI hardware is expected to be pricey, and virtualizing apps can also be costly. If your staff utilize unique, specialized programmes, you may need to work with a professional to coordinate the transition, or you may need to move to different applications entirely.

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