What is UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System)?

UMTS or Universal Mobile Telecommunications Framework, is the 3G successor to the GSM family of measures counting GPRS and EDGE. 3G UMTS employments a completely diverse radio interface based around the utilize of Coordinate Grouping Spread Range as CDMA or Code Division Multiple Access. Although 3G UMTS employments a completely distinctive radio get to standard, the center arrange is the same as that utilized for GPRS and EDGE to carry partitioned circuit exchanged voice and bundle data. 


UMTS employments a wideband adaptation of CDMA possessing a 5 MHz wide channel. Being more extensive than its competition CDMA2000 which as it was utilized a 1.25MHz channel, the tweak conspire was known as wideband CDMA or WCDMA/W-CDMA. This title was regularly utilized to allude to the total framework. It could be a frame of media transmission utilized for remote gathering and transmission. It is an advancement in speed boost from the more seasoned 2G standard of transmission speed and can increment information transmission times between gadgets and servers.

UMTS Applications

  • Streaming / Download (Video, Audio)
  • Videoconferences.
  • Fast Internet / Intranet.
  • Mobile E-Commerce (M-Commerce)
  • Remote Login
  • Background Class applications
  • Multimedia-Messaging, E-Mail
  • FTP Access
  • Mobile Entertainment (Games)

Features of UMTS

  • UMTS could be a component of IMT-2000 standard of the Universal Broadcast communications Union (ITU), created by 3GPP.
  • It employments wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) discuss interface.
  • It gives transmission of content, digitized voice, video and multimedia.
  • It gives tall transmission capacity to portable operators.
  • It gives a tall information rate of 2Mbps.
  • For High-Speed Downlink Parcel Get to (HSDPA) handsets, the data-rate is as tall as 7.2 Mbps within the downlink connection.
  • It is additionally known as Flexibility of Mobile Multimedia Access (FOMA).

Advantages of UMTS

  • UMTS could be a successor to 2G based GSM advances counting GPRS and EDGE . Gaining a 3rd title 3GSM since it could be a 3G relocation for GSM
  • Support 2Mbit/s information rates.
  • Higher Information rates at lower incremental costs.
  • Benefits of programmed universal wandering also necessarily security and charging capacities, permitting administrators emigrate from 2G to 3G whereas holding numerous of their existing back-office frameworks
  • Gives administrators the adaptability to present unused mixed media administrations to trade clients and buyers
  • This not as it were gives client a valuable phone but moreover deciphers higher incomes for the administrator.

Disadvantages of UMTS

  • It is more expensive than GSM.
  • Universal Mobile Telecommunication System has poor video experience.
  • Universal Mobile Telecommunication System still not broadband.

Comparison of GSM and UMTS

Features GSM UMTS
Network Architecture  Circuit-switched  Circuit-switched and packet-switched
Radio Access Technology FDMA and TDMA  Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA)
Bandwidth 200 kHz  5 MHz
Data Rate Up to 384 kbps  Up to 2 Mbps for HSDPA; up to 7.2 Mbps for HSDPA
Applications Voice and SMS Multimedia applications
Roaming Support Limited Automatic international roaming
Video Quality Poor Improved compared to GSM
Cost Affordable More expensive than GSM
Broadband Not broadband  Offers broadband capabilities

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