What is the Value of 2/3 × 4 as a Fraction?

Answer: The value of 2/3​×4 as a fraction is 8/3​.

To calculate 2/3 × 4, you multiply the fraction 2/3​ by 4. In fraction multiplication, you can treat the whole number 4 as a fraction with a denominator of 1, making it 4/1. Then, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

2/3 × 4/1 = (2×4) ÷ (3×1) = 8/3

The fraction 8/3​ is the result of this multiplication. It can also be expressed as a decimal 2.6667.

This calculation is a basic aspect of fraction multiplication, a fundamental concept in mathematics. Understanding how to multiply fractions and whole numbers is crucial in various real-life scenarios, such as cooking, construction, and in many areas of science and engineering. It helps in accurately determining quantities and proportions, which are essential for precise measurements and calculations.

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