What is the Simple Past Tense of “wait”?

Answer: The simple past tense of “wait” is “waited.”

Here are some key points about its usage:

  • “Waited” is the past tense form of “wait,” indicating an action that occurred in the past.
  • It follows the regular pattern of forming the past tense in English by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb.
  • Example: “Yesterday, she waited for the bus for twenty minutes.”
  • Understanding the simple past tense of “wait” is essential for expressing past actions of patiently anticipating something.
  • Mastery of this past tense form enables effective communication about past waiting experiences or situations.
  • Whether recounting personal experiences or narrating stories, using the correct past tense form, such as “waited,” ensures clarity and accuracy in communication.

In summary, “waited” serves as the simple past tense of “wait,” enabling individuals to convey past instances of patiently staying in expectation of something, and proficiency in its usage enhances overall communication skills in English.

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