What is the Radius of Moon?

Answer: The Moon has an average radius of approximately 1,737 kilometers.

The average radius of the Moon, which is the distance from its center to its surface, is approximately 1,737 kilometers (about 1,079 miles). The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite and has a significantly smaller radius compared to Earth.

The Moon’s surface exhibits various features, including mountains, valleys, plains, and impact craters, resulting from geological processes and impacts over billions of years. Its relatively small size and lower gravitational force compared to Earth contribute to the Moon’s lack of a significant atmosphere. The Moon’s radius is about 27% of Earth’s radius, and its gravitational force is about 1/6th of Earth’s gravity.

Scientists have measured the Moon’s radius using various methods, including laser-ranging experiments conducted during the Apollo missions, as well as data from orbiters and telescopes. Understanding the Moon’s radius is essential for studying its geology, composition, and gravitational interactions with Earth.

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