What is the purpose of using the Geolocation API ?

HTML Geolocation is used to get the geographical position of a user. Due to privacy concerns, this position requires user approval. Geo-location in HTML5 is used to share the location with some websites and be aware of the exact location. It is mainly used for local businesses, and restaurants, or showing locations on the map. It uses JavaScript to give latitude and longitude to the backend server.


let loc = navigator.geolocation

Geolocation Methods




It fetches the current location of the user.


It fetches periodic updates of the user’s current location.


It cancels a watchPosition call currently in execution.


  • Integrate with maps for navigation and interactive location-based features.
  • Provide accurate location data for emergency services and safety applications.
  • Trigger actions or notifications based on users entering or exiting specific areas.
  • Enhance social apps with location-aware features for friend discovery and shared activities.

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