What is the Probability of Winning at Rock Paper Scissors?

In a fair game of Rock, Paper and Scissors, each player has an equal probability of winning, losing, or tying, resulting in a 1/3 (or approximately 33.33%) chance of winning.

In Rock, Paper, Scissors, each player can choose one of three possible moves: Rock, Paper, or Scissors. The outcome of the game is determined by the rules:

  1. Rock crushes Scissors.
  2. Scissors cuts Paper.
  3. Paper covers Rock.

Now, let’s consider the probability of winning for a single move:

Probability of winning with Rock (P(R)):

  • Rock wins against Scissors but loses to Paper.
  • There is one favorable outcome (winning against Scissors) out of three possible outcomes (Scissors, Paper, Rock).
  • P(R) = 1/3.

Probability of winning with Paper (P(P)):

  • Paper wins against Rock but loses to Scissors.
  • There is one favorable outcome (winning against Rock) out of three possible outcomes.
  • P(P) = 1/3.

Probability of winning with Scissors (P(S)):

  • Scissors win against Paper but lose to Rock.
  • There is one favorable outcome (winning against Paper) out of three possible outcomes.
  • P(S) = 1/3.

Therefore, for each move (Rock, Paper, or Scissors), the probability of winning is 1/3.

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