What is the drawback of creating true private methods in JavaScript ?

According to other programming languages like c++, java, etc. private is something that can’t be shared with other classes, which cannot be accessed directly using objects. The same rule applies to JavaScript also.

So first we have to look at how private methods are made using JavaScript? There are mainly four keywords using that we can make a private method in the class.

  1. var
  2. let
  3. const
  4. # (hash)



// class Geek
  var Geek = function (article, published) {
      // public member
      this.programmingLang = "Js";
      // private member
      var topic = "private_method";
      var status = published;
      // private member function
      var publish = () => {
          return status;
      // calling private member 
      // function inside same class
  // Geek1 is object of Geek class
  var Geek1 = new Geek('ABC', 'YES');
  // calling public member outside the class



There are two major disadvantages of creating the true private method in JavaScript.

  1. Cannot call private method outside the class.
  2. Create memory inefficiency when different objects are created for the same class, as a new copy of the method would be created for each instance.

Example: If we call a private member function outside the class, then in that case it gives an error.


    var Geek = function (article, published) {
        this.programmingLang = "Js";
        var topic = "private_method";
        var status = published;
        var publish = () => {
            return status;
    var Geek1 = new Geek('ABC', 'YES');
<script />


But below example gives the correct output:


  class A {
      // Private field
      constructor(foo) {
          this.#foo = "ABC";
      #privateFun(prefix) {
          return prefix + this.#foo;
      publicFun() {
          return this.#privateFun(">>");
  let a = new A();



Example: If we create a different object for the same class, then in that case each object creates its own instance or say a copy of the function for itself. Then in that case memory inefficiency problem arises


    var Employee = function (name, comp, sal) {
        this.name = name;
        this.company = comp;
        this.salary = sal;
        // Private method
        var Sal_increase = () => {
            this.salary = this.salary + 45000;
        // Public method
        this.dispalySal = () => {
    const A = new Employee("A", "dream", 45000);
    const B = new Employee("B", "young", 6000);
    const C = new Employee("C", "inspire", 9000);



Note: The code here mentioned can be run using inside HTML or a console.

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