What is something you can see and feel but can’t touch or Hear?

Question: What is something you can see and feel but can’t touch or Hear?

What is something you can see and feel but can’t touch or Hear?

Answer: Shadow. There can be many more correct answers, like – Sunlight, Rainbow, Music.

Things You Can See but cannot Touch

Here are some other things you can see but can’t touch: Air, Sounds, Light, Personality, Pride, Joy, Sadness

Air – While you can feel the air, but you cannot see or touch it in the same way you can solid objects. Air can carry sounds that allow us to hear them, but it remains invisible and intangible.

Sound – Sound is a form of energy that travels through air, water, and solids as vibrations. You can feel sound but it cannot be touched or seen.

Light – This doesn’t fit right. Light is something you can see but cannot hear or touch.

Sadness – This is an emotional interpretation of the riddle. You can feel the sadness but cannot Touch it.

Things You Can Touch but cannot see

Here are some things you can Touch, but can’t see: Someone’s Heart, Light, Air, Heat.

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