What is Security Scanning in Security Testing?

Security scanning is like checking a digital environment (like a computer system or network) for weaknesses or openings that could be exploited by attackers. It’s a crucial part of making sure that these digital spaces are safe from potential threats. This article focuses on discussing Security Scanning in Security Testing.

Table of Content

  • What is Security Scanning?
  • Types of Security Scanning
  • Benefits of Security Scanning
  • Security Scanning Best Practices
  • Types Of Security Testing
  • Process of Security Testing
  • Benefits of Security Testing
  • Conclusion

What is Security Scanning?

Security scanning is like a digital checkup for computer systems and software. It uses automated tools to find and evaluate weaknesses or flaws that could be exploited by attackers.

  • It helps ensure everything is safe and protected from potential threats.
  • This scanning process involves looking for vulnerabilities in software, applications, and networks.
  • It can be done either by people manually examining the system or by using automated tools that are designed to find and flag potential security issues.
  • Overall, it’s a way of proactively identifying and fixing security problems before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Types of Security Scanning

Here the two main types of Security Scanning are:

  1. Vulnerability scanning: Vulnerability scanning is like searching for known problems in your computer programs and systems. It checks them against a list of known issues to make sure everything is secure. It’s a bit like having a checklist of common problems and making sure your digital stuff doesn’t have any of them.
  2. Network scanning: Network scanning is like exploring a digital neighborhood to find out which houses (devices), services, and doors (ports) are open. It helps identify potential problems, such as houses with unlocked doors (improperly set up devices) or doors with weak locks (weak passwords). In simple terms, it’s a way to make sure your digital space is safe by checking for open and vulnerable areas.

Benefits of Security Scanning

Here are some of the benefits of security scanning:

  1. Reduced risk of attack: Fixing computer vulnerabilities is like repairing weak spots in a fortress. IBM found that if attackers breach the fortress, it costs around $4.24 million on average. Security scanning is like having guards check for weak points regularly, so we can fix them before attackers sneak in and cause big financial damage.
  2. Increased peace of mind: Regularly checking and fixing computer problems makes companies and their employees feel less worried and stressed. It’s like having someone always watch over and fix things, so everyone can relax knowing their digital stuff is secure.
  3. Reduced costs: Regularly checking and fixing computer issues can save a lot of money in the end. It’s like doing small repairs on a house to prevent a big, expensive disaster. Security scanning helps avoid the huge costs that come with a data breach, like lost money, legal troubles, and fixing things for upset customers. So, it’s like a money-saving insurance policy for your digital space.
  4. Identification of unknown vulnerabilities: Security scanning is like a detective searching for hidden problems in computer systems. It’s crucial because bad actors are always coming up with new tricks to exploit weaknesses. By regularly scanning, we catch and fix these hidden problems before the bad guys can use them, keeping our digital space safe.

Security Scanning Best Practices

There are a number of security scanning practices, Here some are:

  1. Scan regularly: The computer stuff to find any new problems that might have popped up. It’s like giving your digital world a quick health check to catch any issues early on.
  2. Remediate vulnerabilities promptly: Fix problems quickly. If you find a weak spot, take care of it right away. It’s like repairing a crack in a wall before it gets bigger.
  3. Use multiple tools: Check your digital stuff with different tools to see all possible problems. It’s like using different pairs of eyes to make sure you don’t miss anything important.
  4. Keep your tools up to date: Keep your security tools updated with the latest information about potential problems. It’s like making sure your digital detectives have the most recent clues to find any lurking issues.
  5. Prioritize vulnerabilities: Focus on fixing the most serious and risky problems first. It’s like tackling the biggest issues in your digital space before dealing with smaller concerns.

Types Of Security Testing

Here the some of the Security Testing:

  1. Penetration Testing: A cybersecurity specialist does a test called penetration testing to find and fix weaknesses in a computer system. It’s like a simulated attack to see if there are any security problems that a real attacker could exploit.
  2. Application Security Testing (AST): The process of finding security flaws and vulnerabilities in source code to strengthen an application’s defence against security threats is known as application security testing or AST.
  3. Web Application Security Testing: A security test is a process that systematically validates and verifies the efficacy of application security rules in order to assess the security of a computer system or network. A web application security test alone assesses a web application’s security.
  4. Security Audits: A security audit is like a thorough check-up for software or applications. It follows a set of rules to look at the code or structure and see how well it meets security requirements. The goal is to find any security issues, check how secure the hardware and operating systems are, and ensure that the organization follows the rules and guidelines for security.
  5. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment is like a way for a company to figure out and understand the security risks it faces. It helps identify and analyze potential threats to important parts of the business. By doing this, the company can decide what needs fixing first and plan for the future, including how much money to spend on security.
  6. Configuration Scanning: Security scanning, also called configuration scanning, is like checking a computer system to find mistakes in how it’s set up. This kind of scanning looks at systems and compares them to a list of best practices created by experts or organizations to make sure everything is configured the right way for security.
  7. Security Posture Assessment: A security posture assessment is like a thorough check for a company’s safety measures. It examines potential risks, tests the effectiveness of current security controls, and finds any weak points. The aim is to recommend changes or improvements to enhance the overall security and protection of the company’s assets.

Process of Security Testing

It is saying like, “Let’s check how secure our software is right from the start instead of waiting until it’s all done. That way, it’s cheaper and easier to fix any security issues early on.”

Here the some security processes are:

  1. Requirements: The security rules that the system follows decide which ones get tested. These rules include making sure information is kept private, that it’s not tampered with, verifying who is accessing it, ensuring it’s always available, giving permission to the right people, and making sure no one can deny their actions. So, testing checks if the system is doing all these security things properly.
  2. Design: Security by design is like building systems to be super safe from the start. It involves using smart methods like always checking for security issues, making sure only the right people can access things, and following the best ways of writing computer code. The goal is to create systems that are really tough for bad guys to break into.
  3. Coding and Unit Testing: Unit tests are like mini-checks that developers create while they’re building a computer program. These checks are written in code and become part of the program. There are special tools to help organize and run these tests. It’s a way to make sure that each piece of the code works as intended from the start.
  4. System Testing: System testing is like checking a complete product from the outside without knowing how it’s built inside. It happens after putting all the pieces together (integration testing) but before customers give it a final check (acceptance testing). This helps find issues when everything works together in the system. It’s like making sure the whole thing runs well before showing it to customers.

Benefits of Security Testing

  1. Protecting sensitive data: Encryption is like putting your information into a secret code so that only the right people can understand it. It helps keep your data safe from nosy or harmful attempts when it’s sent over wireless networks.
  2. Cost-effective: Testing security during development is like making sure the locks on your doors are strong before a break-in happens. It’s cheaper and smarter to check and fix things early than dealing with the damage later.
  3. Educating employees: Security testing in a company is like a reminder to everyone about how important it is to be careful with security. It highlights the need to teach employees about how to keep things safe and the risks of not being secure. It’s a way of making sure everyone knows how to protect the company from potential problems.
  4. Compliance with security standards: Security testing is like a check to make sure that apps follow the rules and laws set by the organization. By doing this, it helps lower the chances of the company getting fined for not following those rules. It’s like making sure everything is in line to avoid penalties.
  5. Enhancing Customer Trust: When an app is secure, it makes users feel safe and confident. This trust encourages more people to use the app and stick around, creating loyal customers. It’s like saying, “Hey, your information is safe with us!” and that makes users happy to keep using the app.


The most important testing for an application is security testing, which verifies that sensitive information remains private. In this kind of testing, the tester assumes the role of the attacker and explores the system in search of security-related flaws. Software engineers must prioritize security testing to safeguard data at all costs.

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