What is Report Generator?

A computer program is referred to as a report generator. The purpose of this computer program is to accept information or data from the database, spreadsheet, or XML stream which are the source, and then utilize the data for producing a structured composition satisfying the readership of a specific human. The process in which reports are made by using a tool for users related to business is called report generation and the software used for this method is known as a report generator. For producing reports, a report generator is more proficient and suitable as compared to excel.

Need of Report Generation:

The necessity of making reports manually gets eliminated by report generation. Report generation also reduces the chance of mistakes. It allows us to examine the information/data. Explanation of the report which includes retrieving the type of data, data location, also the strategy for showing that data, all is done by the report generator. 

Report generator permits operation of a report with the report processor and the data is removed with the given definition of the report and joining data with the layout of the report for report creation. The report generation tool not only allows the preview of the report but also its publication to a server to transfer later on. From that point onward, the data can be reported to your colleagues, directors, or accomplices.

Features of Report Generator:

  1. For every phase of report generation, the report generator is user-friendly and effective.
  2. From numerous sources of data, report generators can easily extract information.
  3. Report generator operators with real-time work.  The reports are automatically generated after arranging templates and report the frequency of annual, quarterly, monthly, and day to day reports and are sent to the email address that is set.
  4. Report generator supports the reuse of templates to generate reports.
  5. Printing or exporting of reports is supported by the report generator. The report can be exported or printed in pdf, images, or excel.
  6. Users can review the reports anywhere and anytime by their phones with the help of the report generator.

How does the reports generation process is simplified by Report generators/Report generation software?

There are two types of the report generation process, which are as follows: 

  1. Full-automatic generation
  2. Semi-automatic generation

1. Full-automatic Generation: Full automatic generation is a template-based process. YoY (Year over Year), MoM (Month over Month) ranking is the often utilized monetary insights. Take the most often involved for instance, including MoM, YoY Ranking. At the point when the report generator is used, layouts of monetary statistics have been created inside. The full-automatic generation just requires us to link to the database and drag it to the relating cell.

2. Semi-automatic Generation: Each module is generated automatically in semi-automatic generation by using professional functions. Semi-automatic generation is common and can more likely meet clients’ customized requirements as compared to full-automatic report generation.

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