What is Recruitment and Selection ?

Recruitment :
Recruitment refers to a process of simulating applicants for a vacant job position and finding qualified applicants for the job. It attracts and encourages a large number of candidates to apply for a job. So, it is considered a positive process/approach.

  • It attempts to reject unsuitable candidates and select suitable candidates.
  • The main objective of recruitment is to create a pool of eligible candidates for the purpose of selection.
  • It proceeds the selection process,i.e., it is the initial process that takes place before selection.
  • It is a simple process as it does not include many steps or processes.
  • It is an economical method as less time and money is required.
  • In this, no contractual relation for the service is created.

Selection :
Selection refers to the process of shortlisting the applicants and selecting the best applicants who are suitable for that job position. It attempts to reject unsuitable candidates and select suitable candidates. So, it is considered a negative process/approach.

  • It involves choosing the right candidate from the applications received.
  • The main objective of selection is to get the best candidates selected for the job role.
  • It follows recruitment, i.e., it is the final process that takes place after selection.
  • It is a complicated process because it includes many steps and processes.
  • It is an expensive method as a lot of money and time is required.
  • After being selected for a particular job role, a contractual relationship for service is created.

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