What is PEAN Stack?

The terms MEAN, MERN, LAMP, PERN, etc are often encountered while using the internet. These are web stacks consisting of a bundle of software and frameworks or libraries which are used for building full-stack web apps. A stack usually consists of a database, server-side and client-side technologies, a web server, a particular Operating system. Sometimes back-end technologies are cross-platform hence no particular OS.


PEAN is a web application stack consisting of PostgreSQL, Express framework, NodeJS, and AngularJS as a frontend framework. It has the following features:

  • It is open-source and easy to learn as JavaScript is involved in both segments of development(Client Side and Server Side).
  • It is not as popular as MEAN or MERN though yes is used when data integrity and consistency is significant for a company as it has PostgreSQL which is an SQL-based database and hence is more organized and structured than NoSQL.

Components Of PEAN STACK:

Let us have a look at the components of the PEAN stack in detail.

1. P stand for PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL has the following features:

  • A SQL-based database management system that can be used to store, manage, and manipulate data.
  • Stores data in tabular form in rows and columns and is also ACID-complaint and transactional.
  • As an SQL-based database, it is more suited for storing the most complex workloads.
  • It is a better choice than NoSQL if complex transactions are in concern.

Why use PostgreSQL?

  • Protects data integrity and maintains consistency.
  • Has fault-tolerant environment.
  • It is free and open-source.
  • It is also available in multiple languages.
  • It is highly extensible.
  • It has a robust access control system.

2. E stands for ExpressJS: The ExpressJS has the following features-

  • A server-side framework based on NodeJS helps in routing and managing client requests to the server and responses.
  • It is used for building web applications and also APIs.

Why use ExpressJS?

  • Makes backend coding simple and easy.
  • Supports many middlewares.
  • Minimal and flexible web application framework.
  • Robust set of features for both web and mobile applications.
  • Creating efficient and robust API is quick and easy with ExpressJS.

3. N stands for NodeJS: NodeJS has the following features-

  • A server-side technology that runs on a V8 engine(also used in Chrome browser).
  • It helps us run JavaScript outside the browser and build web and network apps.
  • Node helps in setting up a web server.
  • It runs on many platforms and is free and open-source.
  • It is used to build fast and scalable network applications.

Why use NodeJS?

  • Highly scalable.
  • Highly extensible.
  • Provides event-driven asynchronous features which makes it lightweight.
  • No buffering hence is fast.
  • Provides caching.
  • Contains a vast number of libraries.
  • It handles thousands of concurrent connections with a single server.

4. A stands for AngularJS: AngularJS has the following features-

  • A frontend JavaScript framework that lets you extend HTML.
  • It binds data to HTML.
  • It is open-source and mainly used for developing single-page applications(SPAs).

Why use AngularJS?

  • It is easy to use.
  • Converts static HTML to dynamic HTML.
  • It has ready-to-use templates.
  • It is time-saving.
  • MVC architecture.
  • Another benefit of Angular is Dependency injection.

Advantages of PEAN:

  • The biggest advantage of PEAN is that JavaScript is used on all levels of development which simplifies and makes the process speedy and efficient.
  • It is platform-independent and open-source.
  • For applications that involve complex transactions of data, SQL is a better fit as it maintains data integrity and consistency with integrity constraints.

Disadvantages of PEAN:

  • NoSQL is considered a more scalable database than SQL.
  • Postgre as an SQL-based is less flexible than MongoDB(NoSQL).

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