What is new in Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning in CAT 2019 ?

The CAT exam is a computer-based exam in India for admission into the MBA programs of various management institutes of the country such as IIM’s, FMS, DMS, , etc. CAT is organized by one of the IIM’s on a rotational basis and consequently, it is notorious for changing the exam schedule or pattern on a regular basis. 

Currently, CAT is divided into three sections namely Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR). Each of these sections has undergone some changes over the past years with even these 3 current sections having been created only in 2015. So this article deals with all the Changes that have occurred in Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning in CAT over the years such as the changes in emphasis on different topics, the introduction of TITA questions, etc. 


Change in Questions for Different Sections of Data Interpretation

The DILR section of CAT contains two major topics i.e. Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning which together constitute 32 questions out of 100 in CAT. DILR is the most challenging Section in CAT so it is essential that you don’t neglect it. Also, a calculator is provided for DILR since 2015, but it is recommended that you don’t use it as it reduces your speed. 

Data Interpretation contains calculation intensive questions along with graphs, charts, tables, etc. However, they can be broadly classified as Calculation Based, Reasoning Based or Venn Diagram Based. A graph that demonstrates the number of questions for all the topics in Data Interpretation over the past three years is given below. Since the CAT exam is provided in two slots over a single day, the Data Interpretation questions in the graph are divided according to the slots. 


Some of the important patterns that can be observed for Data Interpretation are given below. These may be essential for your preparation strategy for CAT 2019. 


  • The Data Interpretation section constitutes 16 marks out the total 32 allotted to DILR.
  • There is no fixed trend for the type of questions in Data Interpretation for CAT. Sometimes a certain type of questions may not even appear like Venn Diagram Based in 2017. So, it is best to just prepare all the topics in Data Interpretation thoroughly without focusing specifically on any one topic.


Change in Questions for Different Sections of Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning contains logical and mathematical questions that present a mental challenge to students. These questions can be broadly divided into Puzzle Based, Arrangement Based or Groups and Conditionalities based. A graph that demonstrates the number of questions for all the topics in Logical Reasoning over the past three years is given below. 


Some of the important patterns that can be observed for Logical Reasoning are given below. These may be essential for your preparation strategy for CAT 2019. 


  • Like Data Interpretation, the Logical Reasoning section also constitutes 16 marks out the total 32 allotted to DILR.
  • Broadly speaking, Puzzle Based and Arrangement Based questions are more common in Logical Reasoning as compared to Groups and Conditionalities based questions. Sometimes Groups and Conditionalities based questions may not even appear like in CAT 2016 and CAT 2017 Slot 2. However, it is still recommended to just prepare all the topics thoroughly without focusing specifically on any one topic.


Change in TITA Questions for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

TITA questions or Type in the Answer Questions are non-MCQ questions that were introduced in CAT from 2015. TITA questions don’t have any options and you have to submit the answer on a virtual keyboard using a mouse. One advantage of TITA questions is that they don’t have any negative marking unlike MCQ questions and so it is best to attempt all of them. 

A graph that demonstrates the number of TITA questions in Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning over the past three years is given below: 


Some of the important patterns that can be observed for TITA questions in Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning are given below. These may be essential for your preparation strategy for CAT 2019. 


  • There were 8 TITA questions in DILR in the last three years with the exception of CAT 2016 slot 2 which had only 4. However, TITA questions, in general, are increasing and becoming more important with time. They may also feature heavily in CAT 2019 so it is best to prepare for them.
  • TITA questions in DILR are of a moderate difficulty level and require the calculator for calculations as there is no guesswork without any options provided. But this can become time-consuming so it is best if you learn squares and roots beforehand.
  • There is no extra preparation required for logic-based questions like arrangements. This is because you can’t rely on the options in even MCQ logic-based questions and so having them in TITA form makes no difference.


How to Prepare for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning in CAT?

It is obvious from the above sections that Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning is a very important section in CAT and consequently it requires thorough preparation. Some of the steps for DILR preparation are given as follows: 


  • Many problems of Data Interpretation require a lot of calculations as they deal with data, diagrams, puzzles, etc. In such a situation, you should make sure to read the question carefully and notice the units used. Also, use approximations whenever possible.
  • On the other hand, Logical Reasoning usually deals with puzzles that can only be cracked using common sense coupled with lots of practice. So, make sure to practice at least 2 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning problems daily so that you can be prepared for the variety of questions asked.

To help you prepare effectively for the DILR and the entirety of the CAT exam, w3wiki has created the CAT Preparation Course 2019 which is a FREE course with 1500 questions on all three sections of the CAT exam along with 27 Sectional Mock Tests and 3 Full-length Mock Tests. 

This course has dedicated tracks for all the topics in CAT syllabus including DILR which provides the relevant theory for each topic so that you can learn all the concepts and formulas and it also provides subjective quizzes and contests so that you can understand all the aspects of a particular topic thoroughly. Also, after the content competition, a detailed explanation is provided so that you can analyze your performance and understand your strengths and weaknesses better. 


You are just a click away to begin your CAT preparation journey. Register now for the CAT Preparation Course 2019 course by clicking on the button below. 


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