What is negative plus negative?

Negative Plus negative is a negative number but the operation performed is summation.

For Example, -2 + (-3) = -5

Here, the result is -5 because, we have added 2 and 3 and placed negative sign. Thus negative plus negative is negative.

Rules for Adding Negative Numbers

There are different rules of adding negative numbers .

In general, addition means to increase the value. In the case of integers, however, an addition operation might result in an increase or decrease in the value of the given number.

When we add a negative integer, the given number’s value decreases. 

Type of numbers  Operation sign  Outcome  Example 
Positive + Positive  + Positive (+) 3 + 2 = 4
Negative + Negative  + Negative (-)  (-3)+(-2) = -5
Positive + Negative  + + or – (depends on greater number’s sign)  3 +(-2) = 1
(-3) +2 = -1

therefore when we add negative plus negative term then the result will be in negative .

Whenever we Add two negative integers results in a sum of absolute value of integers with a negative sign. 

Solved Examples based on Integers

Example 1: Add two positive numbers 5 and 2. What will be the final sign?


Given numbers: 5 and 2 

now add: 5 + 2

= 7 

If we add two positive numbers then the result will be positive number .

Example 2: Add two negative numbers 5 and 2. What will be the result?


Given numbers: 5 and 2 

now add: -5 + (-2)

= -5 – 2 = -7 

If we add two negative numbers then the result will be negative number.

Example 3: If we add negative and positive numbers -5 and 2? What will be the result?


Given numbers: -5 and 2 

now add: -5 + 2 = -3 

If the greater number is negative then the result will be in negative.

Example 4:  If we add negative and positive numbers 5 and -2? What will be the result?


Given numbers: 5 and -2

now add: 5 + (-2)

= 5 – 2  = 3    

If the greater number is positive then the result will be positive.

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FAQs on Negative Plus Negative

What are integers?

Integers are the combination of zero, natural numbers, and their additive inverse. It can be represented in a number line excluding the fractional part. It is denoted by Z.

What are the types of integers?

Integers are of three types: Zero, Positive integers, and Negative integers

Can integers be negative?

Yes, the integers can be negative. Additive inverse of natural numbers are negative integers, such as -1,-2,-3,-4,-5, and so on

What is the rule of adding negative integers?

To add add negative integers we add the absolute value of the number and place negative sign before it.

What is the rule for negative minus negative?

In case of Negative minus negative, we perform subtraction between the numbers and sign is placed according to the larger absolute value

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