What is MySQL JSON Data Type?

The MySQL JSON data type is a significant advancement in database management, especially in meeting the needs of contemporary online applications that require dynamic and flexible data storage. JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON, is a widely used format for data transfer because it is easy to read, simple to use, and compatible with a wide range of platforms and programming languages

What is JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format commonly used for representing structured data. It is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. JSON consists of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces {}, where keys are strings and values can be strings, numbers, arrays, or null.

Example JSON

"id": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"roles": ["admin", "user"]

MySQL JSON Data Type

The MySQL JSON data type was introduced in MySQL 5.7 as a native data type for storing JSON documents. It provides efficient storage and retrieval of JSON data along with built-in functions and operators for querying and manipulating JSON documents.

Features of MySQL JSON Data Type

  • Efficient Storage: The JSON documents are stored in an optimized binary format resulting in the efficient use of the storage space.
  • Indexing Support: MySQL allows indexing of the JSON columns using generated columns or virtual columns enabling fast retrieval of the JSON data.
  • Querying and Manipulation: MySQL provides a set of JSON functions and operators for querying and manipulating JSON documents directly within the SQL statements.
  • Schema-less Data: With the JSON data type MySQL allows the storing of schema-less or semi-structured data providing flexibility in the data storage.

Examples of MySQL JSON Data Type

Example 1

Creating a Table with JSON Column:

CREATE TABLE products (
name VARCHAR(100),
details JSON

Inserting JSON Data:

INSERT INTO products (id, name, details)
VALUES (1, 'Product A', '{"price": 10, "category": "Electronics"}');

Querying JSON Data:

-- Retrieving product details
SELECT name, details->'$.price' AS price
FROM products
WHERE details->'$.category' = 'Electronics';




Product A


Updating JSON Data:

-- Updating product details
UPDATE products
SET details = JSON_SET(details, '$.price', 15)
WHERE id = 1;

Indexing JSON Column:

-- Creating an index on JSON column
CREATE INDEX idx_category ON products ((details->'$.category'));

Example 2

Creating a Table with JSON Column

Let’s create a table named employees with a JSON column to store additional details about each employee.

CREATE TABLE employees (
name VARCHAR(100),
details JSON

Inserting JSON Data:

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, details)
(1, 'Alice Smith', '{"age": 30, "department": "HR", "skills": ["recruiting", "communication"]}'),
(2, 'Bob Johnson', '{"age": 35, "department": "IT", "skills": ["programming", "networking"]}');

Querying JSON Data:

Retrieve the names and departments of employees who have a specific skill:

SELECT name, details->'$.department' AS department
FROM employees
WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(details->'$.skills', '"programming"');


name          department
Bob Johnson IT

Updating JSON Data

Update the JSON data to add a new skill for an employee:

UPDATE employees
SET details = JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(details, '$.skills', 'management')
WHERE id = 1;

Querying to Verify the Update

Retrieve the updated details for the employee to verify the changes:

SELECT name, details
FROM employees
WHERE id = 1;

Expected Output:

name          details
Alice Smith {"age": 30, "department": "HR", "skills": ["recruiting", "communication", "management"]}


The MySQL JSON data type heralds a new era in database management catering to the evolving needs of modern web applications. Its efficient storage, indexing support, querying, and manipulation capabilities make it a versatile choice for handling dynamic and flexible data structures. By embracing JSON MySQL empowers developers and administrators the unlock new possibilities in data storage and retrieval paving the way for enhanced performance and scalability.

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