What is MongoDB Atlas?

MongoDB is a No-SQL document-oriented database. It stores data in documents and collections in the form of key-value pairs and it is also an open source. In this article, we will learn about what is MongoDB Atlas, Its Advantages, Steps to Create an Account, and Cluster setup for new users.

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). It is a fully controlled cloud-primarily based database provider. It gives a simplified and automated solution for deploying, scaling, and maintaining MongoDB databases within the cloud. It Provides capabilities that include automatic backups, protection controls, and seamless scalability.

Advantages of MongoDB Atlas

1. Easy to Access and Use

It is a cloud-based platform so you can access it from any device with the internet. and it also provides a user-friendly dashboard by which you can perform any operations and manage your whole cluster.

2. Cost Efficiency

It follows a pay-as-you-go principle, which means that users have to only pay for the resources they consume. For learning and exploring MongoDB Atlas, it also provides one free cluster.

3. Security

It includes security features such as Encryption, Access Control List, Authentication, and Network isolation. It also ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the user data.

4. Automated Backup and Recovery

It also has a Backup and recovery feature by which users can backup and recover their data. Users can schedule regular backups and restore the database to specific points in time.

5. Reliability and High Availability

By providing a feature like Automated backup and recovery it ensures that even in hardware failure it is available and can reliably transfer data.

6. Data Visualization Tool

It provides a data Visualization feature by which you can plot your data in different charts and extract knowledge from it.

7. Easy installation and Integration

It provides step by step guide to connecting the cloud database with Application, Compass, and Shell. And step-by-step guide to Installing a driver to connect an application.

8. Data API

It provides an Application Programming Interface (API) feature by which you can access data through HTTP requests. It is a middleware service that lies between the user’s cluster and the clients that send requests.

9. Community and Support

It has a huge community of developers, So you can get any help you need. users can access a resources, including documentation, forums, and tutorials, and receive support from MongoDB experts to address any issues or challenges.

How to Create an Atlas Account?

Step 1: Create an Account

To create an MongoDB Atlas Account, You need to visit the MongoDB Atlas website and Register yourself with an Email Id, Google or GitHub.

Step 2: Create a New Cluster

After Registration, You will be redirected to Create a new Cluster. Choose an appropriate plan you want. You can also choose a M0 Free Plan for learning and fill in some details like provider, region, and cluster name.

Create a MongoDB User for Your Cluster

Step 1: Navigate to the Database Access Page

To create a new user, In Side Bar you will find a Database Access page in the Security section. Open that page and click on the ADD NEW DATABASE USER button on the top right hand side to create a new user.

Step 2: Configuration of a new user

After completing step 1 you have to enter a USERNAME and PASSWORD. then scroll down to Configure Database User Privileges. In Database User Privileges you have to set the role of a user. you can also create a temporary user. After doing this click on Add User button to create a new user.

How to Whitelist Your Connection IP Address?

Step 1: Navigate to the Security Access Page

To configure this, In Side Bar you will find a Network Access page in the Security section. Open that page and click on the ADD IP ADDRESS button to add a new IP Address.

Step 2: Add Access IP Address

If you want to add your current IP Address then click on ADD CURRENT IP ADDRESS button. It is recommended to add int he Access List Entry so anyone with a Username and Password can Access the Database with Any Network. You can add a IP Address by clicking on the ALLOW ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE button. You can also create an Access IP for Temporary use for some hours, a day or a week.

After doing this, click on the Confirm button to add an IP Address to the Access List.

How to Connect with your MongoDB Atlas Cluster

Step 1: Navigate to the Database Page

To connect with your cluster, In Side Bar you will find a Database page in the Deployment section. Open that page and click on the Connect button to get all possible ways to connect with your MongoDB Atlas Cluster.

Step 2: Choose your Desired Option

Now choose your desirable option to connect with your MongoDB Atlas Cluster and Follow the Instructions given there to connect with your MongoDB Atlas Cluster. You can connect your cluster with the application by using Drivers.


MongoDB Atlas is a Database-as-a-service. It offers a fully managed cloud platform for managing and accessing your database without installing it on your local computer. It offers several advantages such as Automated backup, High availability, Easy integration and many more with a user-friendly experience.

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